Install NxB Unleashed Official

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (NxB Unleashed Official) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select NxB Unleashed Official from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

NxB Unleashed Official Version 1.37

created by Birdbro8 on Minecraft 1.7.10
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shadow its because passive mobs only give you xp until lvl 26, and you cant hurt zombies or enderman because they have stats too and they have stronger stats than you, and you have to use their weakness to kill them
DaBoss107 6 years ago
I can't hurt zombies or endermen and I recently got to the point to where hurting passive mobs does not do anything! HELP!!!!
ShadowAtores 6 years ago
Heey why cant i join the server anymore?
Arthij 6 years ago
WolfNightAsh and/or Birdbro8 i really like your server, but it wold be great if you cold add a claim plugin and maybe a few mods (Carpentersfor building & Psychedelicraft for brewing)! Greetings from Austria btw.
Arthij 6 years ago
Aaaand it wold be cool if there where Naruto-Mod-Mobs spawning...
Posted by Arthij 6 years ago
Um! I am trying to download and whenever i press play there is a pause and then it takes me back to the technic launcher screen.
ShadowAtores 6 years ago
why is the server down?
__Zoryan__ 7 years ago
there has been a new update to the pack now the server has been preloaded into the multiplayer tab you are so very welcome
Kenkuto1234 7 years ago
hello, I keep getting an error message when I try to install this mod pack, please help.
jrholland 7 years ago
the zip won't download
Posted by jrholland 7 years ago
plz help it won't let me join the server
ProNinja123811 7 years ago
Also can i be whitelisted my ign is ProNinja123811
ProNinja123811 7 years ago
I can't download the modpack!why?
PyroBlack28 7 years ago
Could i Please be whitelisted also my IGN is AzureBook
_SH0CKWAVE_ 7 years ago
whitelist me please my ign is DaBoss107
DaBoss107 7 years ago
Could my character be reset, For some reason i cant gain EXP MY IGN is AzureBook
_SH0CKWAVE_ 7 years ago
it wont let me join it says im missing blocks and items when i downloaded everything
xQrow 7 years ago
can i get a link or something to what im missing
Posted by xQrow 7 years ago
Can you whitelist me IGN CallmeTaylor
Justtryit122 7 years ago
Please white list me IGN WhyYouDidThat
GrindGhoul 7 years ago
can you please white-list xQrow
xQrow 7 years ago
or try the w as two vv i forgot which i did
Posted by xQrow 7 years ago
Also my Ign is DaBoss107
DaBoss107 7 years ago
Hey server owner add in waila thaumcraft, take out the Naruto mod not Naruto anime mod tho cuz you only need one, and put in treecapitator mod
DaBoss107 7 years ago

Latest Update

NxB Unleashed Official was updated to version 1.37