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hi my name is The_Money_Slayer in game i was sponsor on Atlanta 2 i think i lost my rank when you Guys updated it im not sure but it would be nice if i could get my rank back.
please add back any old items
Hi, so I love this mod and i love how it has improved, but as it updated it the structures stopped spawning in single player. Im changing the world settings to crafting dead and all i get is zombies and dead trees. Where is the loot and structures? Thanks
Can some one help me?When ever i scrool down it takesme all the way up PLEASE HELP
Please add a short mag for the Sporter 22. The Sporter 22 would be awesome if it was like the M1 Grand. Other things you should add but don't have to are:
Bandana Masks
Ruin Cities in server
Clan Banners
Strong Bows
Diverse Zombie (FEMALE ZOMBIES!)
This is my wish list, you don't have to listen to what I have to say. Like you said, programming is hard. I don't expect you to do this.
is there a shopping zone in somerset?
how do i add a server?
Where's the loot from one single player mode
old versions you can put at last 1.7.10+
gets better with parkour mod as would add ;D
i can't get into any servers it just says failed to login bad login
i have BAD LOGIN :((((
restart your launcher too, that will work
In the options world I put crafting dead but is there no well or not construction of the tower to get all items that reclaman vc not add earlier versions of modpack for these station very bads if previous versions available I really give up this modpack
but it gets better with parkour mod as would add
Sorry to be rude about your English but to refine this and help us all out: Is there going to be a single player like in earlier versions? Sorry if I messed that translation up, and again sorry to be rude :/
Probably the worst and glitchiest modpack i have ever played
It isn't too bad when it's fully refined. Cure was some of the best stuff I've played yet. But Aftermath really should have been looked at and fixed a lot more before release.
Dear F3rullo14,
I Watch SGCBarberian on Youtube and His First Crafting Dead Roleplays had a Much older version of Crafting Dead. I was Wondering If You could Maybe Like Make a Serperate Modpack for Each Type of Crafting dead for everyone to Enjoy which 1 they like best. Ty If You read this and Keep up the good work. I REALLY Love Your Crafting Dead Mod.
You can go into the options on the modpack page in the launcher (It's a little gear in the top right.) and change the version to what you like.
Im having an issue downloading the modpack were it says "The modpack Official Crafting Dead does not appear to be installed or is corrupt, and is not available for Offline Play."
does anyone know how to fix this problem?
can you add parkour mod ??????