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Can anyone answer me this. What is the biome ids for the Crafting dead biomes?
Would you mind re adding the choice to make the fire button whatever we want because im old school and am used to right click fire f reload r aim down sights etc.
i been trying to sigh up for crafting dead website and it keep saying that you are a attacker and are trying to steal so of my info and i can't get my account to confirm to play crafting dead with y friend, please help!
I am having two problems with modpack. First: Does not generate structures when it created the world's only zombies. Second, I place the items in the bag and when I access it to pick up an item, they are gone, simply gone. Thank you in advance any help.
my backpack too
how can i play by my self
I Wish there was a server where i can could just play on my own. like bring back a few of the old crafting dead worlds so i can walk around and no see all these bases. i just want to solo and not worry about huge teams killing me.
why not have previous versions download for this version looting est buggy and versions that were taken towers because I do not think any more so not with items
because they will not let me install the latest updates? just let me install the 1.1.0 pls help me : C
Im not having much luck with this new Crafting Dead, my games crashed twice in the past 10 mins, but judging by what ive seen in that short time, you've certainly succeeded in my approval
Also, my game seems to lag quite a lot, opening the CD inventory
Recent update broke armor, armor bar flashes and armor doesn't protect. Another bug i found was crafting 2 normal mags together will result in infected ammo.
Love the campfires though. Keep up the good work.
So far i think aftermath is well thought out (i also like the fact that you can infect people with RBI and the ap ammo) but i think this needs vehicles and other machines such as mounted guns and also a bunch more guns (maybe snipers and a minigun). If this even gets seen then f3rullo14 please add these things; they would make Crafting dead much more fun than it already is
also you should add areas to get loot for single player, i can't seem to find any
Can't install the modpack! Reason is {"status":401,"error":"Request Unauthorized"}
Don't change the zoom keybind! It crashes life.
we ask for guns not campfire's!! but the campfires are really cool.
I wish this mod had a large variety of wild animals to hunt and a large variety of vehicles to ride
Vehicles aren't happening but new animals would be sweet like deer and boar to hunt :)
yeah after the update its all been worst. aftermath is shit the zombies are more fucked up and the bunker is ugly. plus i have a rank on the server EU where i have verteran but after the update i have never played the game and thats sad becuse CD update is fucking awesome and 2 min coledown on /near come on f3rullo14 the ONLY good thing about this update is that grip supresser and the others and iron sights are cool. but PLZ TAKE THE CD UPDATE BACK
Ranks where too OP he balanced them.
damn, aftermath has downgraded CD heaps, add back all the guns and paint(plus add a gillie paint for snipers), and in your servers how close do we have to get to hit a zombie, our melee distance is like 1 dirt block away, and zombies can hit like 5 dirt blocks away, and bases? how do you even get back to them if your lost or dead, and you need more in game shops, it takes forever to find one, cheers mate
Plz get ride of the click and hold what are thinking dude I loved CD but then you make aftermath aftermath is crap! Plz fix or release the old one
I've got a better computer than my friend and he runs it fine it is so Aggravating Please help the people Ferullo
Getting crashes every time when trying to play SP or MP in aftermath. Crash report ->
Did you change keybinds? If you change the keybind for zoom, it crashes.