Install Official Crafting Dead

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Official Crafting Dead) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Official Crafting Dead from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Official Crafting Dead Version Origins 1.3.5_4

created by f3rullo14 on Minecraft 1.6.4
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I have problem to connect today! Can anyone help me pls? When i try to connect to any server the message ''Failed Login: Bad Login'' comes on my Screen ?!
Dein Junge 9 years ago
Pleas add download 1.1.0 Server files. Thanks
TomasDrab1 9 years ago
a lot of cool stuff that used to be there aren't there, it's still a great mudpack but heaps of the camos and guns are gone (basically what I am asking is are these things coming back?)
jmfjmfjmf 9 years ago
how do you download the crafting dead cure v2.4.4
TheCoolCreeperr 9 years ago
please add the buildings in singleplayer
pi0987 9 years ago
please add the buildings in Single Player!
hugotdl 9 years ago
please add the buildings in Single Player! :c
Xx_Destroyer851_xX 9 years ago
Can you post the change log?
Hallzmine 9 years ago
Cool update! OwO
Vexter14 9 years ago
ummm... where are the buildings?
it wont let me open crafting dead. how do i open it?
Gracedoesgaming830 9 years ago
For some reason shaders are now banned... Can this get fixed?
Yeoldmama 9 years ago
I NEED the server jar plz ily
Priest_Mudkip 9 years ago
This update that was just released messed up the backpacks. please fix this when you get the chance
jeff the killer000 9 years ago
my name is 50SHADESOFSKILL
KinqDan 9 years ago
2 Glitches 1.Armor,Backpacks etc dont showup on characters 2. Whenever you open your backpack your game crashes
KinqDan 9 years ago
Can you fix the infection and bleeding rates it makes me really mad. thank you.
jbawsame1234 9 years ago
why is it that when I press play it will load up then it will just go back to technic launcher, PLEASE HELP
flamingcat1 9 years ago
if you can't update to 1.1.0a , try restarting the launcher, it worked for me. :D
teegmonkey 9 years ago
works now
smityxX 9 years ago

Latest Update

Official Crafting Dead was updated to version Origins 1.3.5_4