Version 2.4.2 was released! Check the change logs if you are curious!
Official Crafting Dead was updated to version 2.4.2 9 years ago
Version 2.4.2 will be released soon! :D
Version 2.4.0 includes some random stuff but its all for fun! :D
Official Crafting Dead was updated to version 2.4.0 9 years ago
Official Crafting Dead was updated to version 2.3.4 9 years ago
The download should be up and running! But the servers/client files that need to be downloaded wont work still :/
Dropbox is down :( We are setting up new servers for the modpack download! Everything will be back to normal tomorrow! :D
Official Crafting Dead was updated to version 2.3.2 9 years ago
I am updating the mod right now with the patch for the render bug!
My deepest apologies on the Emergency patch, small render bug fixed :)
Official Crafting Dead was updated to version 2.3.1 9 years ago
Official Crafting Dead was updated to version 2.3.0 9 years ago
2.3.0 Update and News Video! Check it out!
If your game crashes on the main menu, just re-install the pack! I released a small patch! Nothing game changing!
If your game crashes on the main menu, just re-install the pack! I released a small patch! Nothing game changing!
Skins will be added back next update! Not Version 2.2.7 but the next :DDD
Official Crafting Dead was updated to version 2.2.7 9 years ago
Crafting Dead is growing constantly and i am very thankful for your support! Thank you everyone that plays my modpack! Happy Crafting!
Official Crafting Dead was updated to version 2.2.6 9 years ago