Version 3.0.8
added suicidecommand -
updated PhantomPhightULF - changed disc recipe.
version = 3.0.8
Version 3.0.7
updated kraftwork -
updated mobs with powers -
updated stone free -
updated phantomphightulf - stand loss on death is now 35% instead of 50/50
added phantomphightboss - will be used for the upcoming dio boss + any other bosses i add in the future
misc - End has been activated check your advancement page too see how to unlock it!
version = 3.0.7
Version 3.0.6
updated mobs with stands - 1.0.3 seems to fix the issues that was had + allows more stands to be added onto mobs with issues
updated stonefree -
removed bad company - crashes.
version = 3.0.6
Version 3.0.5
Reverted update mobs with stands - version 1.0.0-241204
version = 3.0.5
Version 3.0.4
updated hermit mobs with stands -
updated PhantomPhightSBR -
updated waytoheaven -
version = 3.0.4
Version 3.0.3
added alexs mobs -
added enchant infuser -
added badcompany -
added mobs with stands -
updated hermit purple -
updated simple storage network -
version = 3.0.3
Version 3.0.2
added easier sleep -
added blood bottle -
updated phantomphightulf -
Version 3.0.0
Added various Addon stands -
Added small spawn area side quests to some NPCs -
Added death system for stands so its now a 50/50 chances for loss on death instead of instant loss -
Updated ROTP -
Removed story quests - currently was bugging will remake in future
Removed stand disc recipe - being tied to event winners or stand pool makes more sense to me
Removed custom stand obtainment method - will come back in the future when reworked
Removed custom bosses - same as story
updated phantomphightulf - bug fix + removed some background items
updated ROTP -
updated phantomphightsbr - bug fix
version -
added bendylib -
updated phantomphightulf - bug fix
updated ROTP -
version -
updated PhantmPhightSBR - saint head / ear now have uses
updated PhantomPhightULF - stand disks are now permanent
version -
added combatroll -
removed elanaidodge2 - buggy
updated phantomphightulf - april fools item
updated phantomphightcosmetics - april fools cosmetic
updated BDRP -
updated bookshelf -
updated cloth config -
updated collective -
updated controlling -
updated createcafe -
updated equipmentcompare -
updated fancymainmenu -
updated fastworkbench -
updated geckolib -
updated jei -
updated endercataclysm -
updated legendarytooltips -
updated oculus -
updated playeranimator -
updated randomtp -
updated rubidium -
version -
Updated JoJoULF - few bug fixes with Devils Palm biome / Jesus nolonger spawns in edge biomes
Updated - forge version to .39
Added Bettercombat - ( this would've been added in the pack release had i known it ported )
Updated - modlist to sync with the server ( hopefully fixing the memory leak )
Discuss this update (0)Version
updated JoJoULF - added missing recipes
version -
added etched - didn't cause the memory leak
added pollen -
removed reagenchant -
version -
removed pollen - caused a memory leak
removed etched - requires pollen
updated jojoulf -
version -
Version 9.2
added copperpot -
added culturaldelights -
added immersivecooking -
added largemeals -
added someassemblyrequired -
added removeanvilcap -
Version 9.1.4
added polymorph -
added anvilfix -
added balancedenchanting -
Version 9.1.3
added Jade - replaces HWYLA
added prism - dependency for Legendary tooltips
added badwithernocookie -
added cleancut -
added simplestoragenetwork - yay no more sorting through 100 chests to find that one sugarcane
added bountiful -
added ironfurnaces -
added simplylight -
added visualworkbench -
added kleeslabs -
added farmersdelight -
added nethersdlight -
added puzzleslib -
added playeranimationlib -
added kotlin -
added rubidium -
added rubidiumextra -
added rubidiumoptions -
added spark -
added oculus -
added corndelight -
added simplediscordrichpresence -
added mmlib -
removed HWYLA -
updated cgm -
updated clothconfig -
updated collective -
updated emotecraft -
updated equipmentcompare -
updated ftbchunks -
updated geckolib -
updated iceberg -
updated ROTP - crazy diamond
updated JEK -
updated konkrete -
updated legendarytooltips -
updated lootbeams -
updated moguns -
updated PPcosmetics -
updated quark -
updated travelersbackpack -
Version 9.1.0
added Jade - replaces HWYLA
added prism - dependency for Legendary tooltips
added badwithernocookie -
added cleancut -
added notenoughanimations -
added simplestoragenetwork - yay no more sorting through 100 chests to find that one sugarcane
added bountiful -
added ironfurnaces -
added simplylight -
added visualworkbench -
added kleeslabs -
added farmersdelight -
added nethersdlight -
added puzzleslib -
added TRansliterationlib -
added playeranimationlib -
added kotlin -
added rubidium -
added rubidiumextra -
added rubidiumoptions -
added spark -
added oculus -
added corndelight -
added simplediscordrichpresence -
added mmlib -
removed HWYLA -
updated cgm -
updated clothconfig -
updated collective -
updated emotecraft -
updated equipmentcompare -
updated ftbchunks -
updated geckolib -
updated iceberg -
updated ROTP - crazy diamond
updated JEK -
updated konkrete -
updated legendarytooltips -
updated lootbeams -
updated moguns -
updated PPcosmetics -
updated quark -
updated travelersbackpack -
Version 9.0.7
updated jojoulf - allows umbrella in offhand
serverchange - stands should no longer have issues with obtaining resolve / barrage animations - time stop time was reduced to the default mod time stop due to the base level buff - the only allowed resource pack from now on is the OST pack open a ticket and send a pack for approval if you use one packs will be updated weekly only public packs will be approved
Version 9.0.1
updated ULF - fixed warp button on phantom hermit
added carryon -
Version 9.0
added morecfm -
added pamscrops -
updated attributefix -
updated architectury -
updated appleskin -
updated abnormalscore -
updated clothconfig -
updated collective -
updated cosmeticarmorreworked -
updated curious -
updated customnpcs -
updated emotecraft -
updated geckolib -
updated iceberg -
updated ironchest -
updated itemborders -
updated jei -
updated justplayerheads -
updated konkrete -
updated legendarytooltips -
updated obfuscate -
updated patchouli -
updated travelersbackpack -
update ULF - phone has warp button, music discs, road sign, bone blade and a new structure you can rarely find in deserts
update cosmetics - kira suit is now available from rare keys upwards
removed optifine - add it yourself if you want it could cause crashes
Version 8.9
added artifacts -
fixed - bloodsuck no longer sucks the life force from you attacks (atleast i think i can't exactly test it)
Version 8.8.6
updated ripplesofthepast - bug fixes don't ask me what bugs idk -
version 8.8.6 -
Version 8.7.2
fixed ULF -
added - custom mainmenu
credit adromenda for an idea
credit to me for actually implementing it and making sure it isn't broken
Version 8.5
removed betterthanmending -
removed bwncr -
removed cavesandcliffsbackportadditions -
removed citadel -
removed codechickenlib -
removed ctm -
removed floralflair -
removed gottschcore -
removed healthoverlay -
removed highlighter -
removed mantle -
removed placebo -
removed pollen -
removed puzzleslib -
removed supermartigncorelib -
removed alexmobs -
removed allurement -
removed astikorcarts -
removed cleardrops -
removed clumps -
removed createautomated -
removed dash -
removed drinkbeer -
removed earthmobs -
removed easymagic -
removed frozenup -
removed guardvillagers -
removed illagersweararmour -
removed infinitetrading -
removed ironshulkers -
removed keepmysoiltiled -
removed leap -
removed lootr -
removed mannequins -
removed moremountedstorage -
removed moyai -
removed myserveriscompatible -
removed OPF -
removed pamscrops -
removed pamsfoodextended -
removed quickcure -
removed seals -
removed torchslab -
removed trashslot -
removed twoplayersonehorse -
removed duck -
removed swan -
removed penguin -
removed windowloging -
Version 8.4
added pollen -
added waddles -
added duck -
added swan -
added mannequins -
added earth -
Version 8.3
updated config -
added clothconfig -
added actuallyunbreaking - increases max unbreaking lvl
added bettermending -
Version 7.9
removed rats - i mean you could become a legit god so yh
added tetrapakgemscompact -
added openloader -
Version 7.6
added allurement -
added createautomated -
added illagerarmour -
added namepain -
added outofsight - should improve performance if it causes crashes remove it
added removeanvilcap -
updated create -
updated cosmetics - added a new glided cap check the tebex store to see how to get it within the donation section
removed arsenalcore - may come back in the future for now its gone due to lack of use
Version 7.4
removed apotheosis - no tools will be lost tebex will have a compensation for everyone in some time announcement will be made when it is available
removed selene - don't mind me removing this now instead of like 12 updates ago
added quickcure - villagers
added cleardrop - lets me reduce that juicy lag by a bit
added progressivebosses -
added myserveriscompatible - stops confusion with server saying you are missing mods were as it is just serverside mods
Version 7.1
info - all mods being removed are somewhat useless or no one had used them as much as intended or caused lag to a degree
removed eyesinthedarkness -
removed horsecolors -
removed seadwellers -
removed original breathers -
removed performant -
removed small ships -
removed create gears - this may be a more interesting removal as some may think it was useful but in reality if you was using gears to move rotational power it probably is better to use shafts instead
removed horsetack -
removed treeharvester - caused server side lag whenever trees was being cut
removed deekdark - had spawning issues and would sometimes bypass land claims destroying whatever was inside the claim
updated ULF - fixed a visual bug
Version 6.8.1
added Itemchat - SHIFT+T to showcase items in chat, Quark does not work for this
Updated ULF - added a 1 time stand removal disk and a 1 time NSP removal disk
Version 6.5
added ftblibary -
added quickteleports -~
added ftbranks -
added rats -
added servertabinfo -
added maessentials -
added worldprotector -
added chisel -
added mowziesmobs -
added deepdark -
added quickhomes -
removed devilfruits - caused issues with quite a few bits and really kills progression
info - ranks and everything has been changed, homes have been reset if you are missing a home let me know and ill get you to it, if you are missing commands that you think you should have let me know in the discord
Version 6.0
added modernonlinepictureframes - can be toggled ingame so you dont see the picture so lag should not be an issue
updated codechickenlib -
added torchmaster -
Version 5.9
removed cozy comforts -
removed treasure2 -
removed toadterror -
removed crying ghasts -
removed mercenaries -
removed serene seasons -
removed outvoted -
removed lyonheart -
removed tarot -
updated onepieceweapons -
Version 5.6
removed incapacitated - causes a bug with backpacks and possibly devil fruit
Discuss this update (0)Version 5.4
removed building wands -
removed spiders2.0 -
removed potionbundles -
added construction wands -
Version 3.7
removed carryon - causes way too many bugs adding a different way to get spawners from one place to another
added keepmysoiltilled -
added itemborders -
added highlighter -
added equipmentcompare -
added advancementplaques -
added legendarytooltips -
added lootbeams -
added infinitetrading - happy noises
added cryingghasts -
added justmobheads -
added justplayerheads -
added iceberg -
added respawndelay - lets you evaluate your life after you die
added omnicards -
added bedspread -
added chatheads -
added apotheosis - cant wait for someone to say to me "oh. my. god. YOU JUST WENT AND BUFFED BROKEN DIDNT YOU I. AM. LEAVING THE SERVER, like bitch i don't care go cry
added placebo -
Version 3.6
removed betterend - end gets reset along with this
removed cataclysm -
removed cookingforblockheads -
removed minecolonies -
removed repurposedstructures -
removed structureize -
removed yungsextras -
removed mutantmore -
Version 3.2
added badwithernocookie -
added - more music has been added
added timeless and classics -
Version 3.0
removed corpse -
added comicsbubblechat - in mod folder within optional mods
added leap -
added dash -
added aquaculture2 -
added MCDJ -
Version 2.9
added selene -
added firstjoinmessage -
added cataclysm -
added supplementaries -
Version 2.6
removed veinmining -
added ore excavation -
added enderstorage -
added codechickenlib -
added minecraft capes - so ya'll can look snazzy
added -
updated FORGE JAR - old one is exploited mb guys
Version 2.5
added abnormals core -
added personality -
added veinmining -
Version 1.7
removed tokyorevengers -
added travellersbackpacks -
added ironchests -
Version 1.6
updated tokyorevengers -
added worldprotector(for spawn protection etc is essential on client) -
removed yungsbetterportals -
Version 1.5
removed doggytalents -
removed furnish -
removed betternetherreforged -
removed mcareborn -
added minecolonies -
added structurize -
Version 1.3
added createdeco -
added createstuffaditions -
added createconfectioner -
added waystones -
added inventorytweaks -
added creategears -
added Pam'sHarvestCraft2 + all its additions -
added cookingforblockheads -
Version 1.2
added quickhomes -
added quickteleports -
added quickspawns -
added tokyorevengers -
added simplevoicechat -
added doggy talents -
added geckolib -
added mutantmore -
added mutantbeasts -
Version 1.1
added refinedpipes -
added mantle -
added Tconstruct -
added create -
added flywheel -