Version 2.0.0
Mod Added:
+ BetterMineshafts
+ CarryOn
+ CC-Tweaked
+ Ceramics
+ Chameleon
+ ClientTweaks
+ Clumps
+ ContainerFix
+ Controlling
+ CraftingStation
+ CraftingTweaks
+ CustomWindowTitle
+ EngineersDoors
+ EngineersDecor
+ ExtraBitManipulation
+ Forgelin
+ FutureMc
+ GardenStuff
+ ImmersivePetroleum
+ JeiIntegration
+ JustEnoughPetroleum
+ McwBridges
+ NbtPeripheral
+ NetherPortalFix
+ NoRecipeBook
+ Plethora
+ PotionDescriptions
+ Rustic
+ RusicatedFruit
+ RusticBOPWoods
+ SimplyTea
+ SnowVariants
+ TorchSlab
Fix & Changes:
* Removed EMC from all ball lids (also from pokèballs)
* Changed Flower Bonsai Pot Crafting (all tiers)
* Fixed a couple of EMC errors or missing
* Cleared Config Folder from useless config files
Version 1.1
+ AIimprovements
+ FoamFix
+ Phosphor
+ Placebo
* PixelmonGenerations updated to 8.6.2