Install Pixelmon Hoenn - Jond

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Pixelmon Hoenn - Jond) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Pixelmon Hoenn - Jond from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Pixelmon Hoenn - Jond Version 1.0

created by JondGames on Minecraft 1.20.2

Pixelmon Hoenn - Jond updated to version 1.0

-Added Rock Smash Rocks able to be broken after obtaining Wally’s Rock Smash HM
-Added Secret Base trainer generation based on your own party
-Changed signs to be right-clickable to read instead of walking up to for message.
-Added vending machines to Stern’s Shipyard
-Added music to Lilycove Harbor
-Added music switching to Lilycove Museum, Mt. Pyre parts, Pokemon League
-Fixed fly spot overlapping Pacifidlog and Battle Resort, only flying to Pacifidlog
-Fixed Roxanne giving Sandstorm instead of Rock Tomb
-Fixed Regis not respawning after E4
-Fixed Pokemon League blackout respawn point not registering on entrance
-Added checks the player hasn’t beaten gym leader to reset leader’s intro dialogues
-Can now re-battle Roxanne if needed
-Fixed Whismur spawning in Tunnelers' Rest House
-Fixed Flash infinitely being used while selected after use.
-Fixed Adamant Orb, Protein, custom loots underwater
-Fixed Route 130 surface and underwater coordinates overlapping
-Added a default team to prevent PVP
-Added check for if command blocks are enabled on a server, displays when not on.
-Added Feebas to water spawn pool on Route 119
-Added Linking Cord to Lilycove Department Store
-Fixed fishing rods using durability
-Added Parasol Lady to switch music in the Battle Resort
JondGames posted a changelog update for Pixelmon Hoenn - Jond 1 year ago


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Latest Update

Pixelmon Hoenn - Jond was updated to version 1.0