Install Planar Exodus 2

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Planar Exodus 2) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Planar Exodus 2 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Planar Exodus 2 Version 1.7.6

created by Ozzatron on Minecraft 1.7.10
This modpack is hidden and will not show up in the modpack index.

Planar Exodus 2 updated to version 1.7.6

Planar Exodus 2 version 1.7.6: A smattering of bug fixes (some very old) and community sourced changes.

(!) Fixed the infamous resurgence of the Plex Classic potion packet dimension change disconnect bug.
(!) Hopefully fixed NetherOres' Hellfish tracking system (if you can call it a system) keeping a nearly infinite number of open weak references to dimensions even after they were unloaded.

(+) Added a new mod: Wireless Crafting Terminal! You can now staple a crafting interface to your existing AE2 wireless terminal, or craft an Infinity Card to access your ME net from anywhere in the multiverse!

(+) Added a FML in-game config button to reload PlexTweaks defined recipes.
(+) Krios' "fancy sky shader" is now an FML in-game config button.
(+) Axiom can now properly propagate rarities through Thermal Expansion recipe types.
(+) Added stairs and slabs of Empyreal Wood from the Infinite Wastes.
(+) Tinker's Construct's Crafting Station can now detect a much wider variety of adjacent chests. Note that extremely large chests will only have the first 54 slots shown.

(*) Fixed Division Sigils never working. They now work for around 30 seconds around midnight, every night.
(*) Fixed a bug where Grappling Hooks could linger indefinitely, causing numerous oddities.
(*) Fix Dryad Spell projectiles floating around forever on unloaded chunk boundaries.
(*) Optimized the code used for Infinite Wastes teleports.
(*) Fix a rendering crash in creative tabs caused by poorly defined config-generated PlexTweaks content.
(*) Fixed the colored block outline option not working correctly in all cases.
(*) Fixed numerous issues where Damage Source configuration did not show all config comments.
(*) Muted / suppressed very large amounts of console spam from various sources.
(*) Fixed a nearly seven year old ASM framework bug. Somehow things worked in the meantime. We are not sure how.
(*) Fixed a bug where allowing Mushroom Stew to stack caused the entire stack to vaporize when you drank one.

(+) The Twilight Cloak now actually makes you invisible when worn in a Baubles Cloak slot.
(+) The Witherless Rose now actually makes you completely immune to the Wither damage type.
(+) The Pyromancer Staff, Salamander's Eye and Infernal Chalice now make you completely immune to taking damage from fire tiles. This does not apply to other sources of fire damage (e.g. the Thaumcraft Fire wand aspect).
Ozzatron posted a changelog update for Planar Exodus 2 1 year ago


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Latest Update

Version 1.7.6 released. Reach your ME net from anywhere with the Infinity Booster!