Install Planar Exodus 2

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Planar Exodus 2) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Planar Exodus 2 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Planar Exodus 2 Version 1.7.6

created by Ozzatron on Minecraft 1.7.10
This modpack is hidden and will not show up in the modpack index.

Planar Exodus 2 updated to version 1.1

Version 1.1: On the surface, that doesn't sound like a lot.
Trust me, it's a lot. You can expect most of the quality of life recipe changes from Plex Classic.

(+) Added In-Game NBTEdit. If you use this, and you break something, don't send a crash report. It's your fault.
(!) JourneyMap was meant to be included in this version, but their modpack terms of use disallow bundling the JAR. As such, it cannot be officially included in Planar Exodus 2. If you want it anyway, you can get it here:

====== PlexTweaks + Theia ======

(+) PlexTweaks' Ore Dictionary key removal works again.
(+) MatEdit works again. As such, every single tool and armor has been balanced.
(+) MatEdit also balances all Tinker's Construct materials. Your reign is over, Plastic!
(+) Planar Armory now has a grappling hook. A what? Try it yourself, it's awesome.
(*) The default sleeping time acceleration factor in Krios has been changed from 4 to 10. Updating won't add this change to your game; you'll need to change your Krios.cfg manually.
(+) Added a few missing Netherrack-related texture updates. Krichael's Blood & Wine Hotfix is now complete.

====== General Fixes ======

(*) Fixed Spot Loader recipe removal. Whoops.
(-) Disabled Witching Gadgets transmutations to prevent stack overflow crashes.
(*) Adjusted a few splashes. Namely, the Greek one wasn't rendering correctly, so it has been replaced.
(+) OpenBlocks Elevators can now travel 255 blocks instead of 20. They can also go through an unlimited number solid and/or liquid blocks, as per previous changes.
(*) The default Extra Utilities spike recipes are now disabled using Extra Utilities itself instead of PlexTweaks.
(+) Added a real recipe for Fluix Crystals. Whoops. Forgot to do this last time.
(+) You can now put standard books on Bibliocraft Bookcases.
(-) Removed Jungle Spiders. Ugh.
(*) Fixed "Border Stone (Alternate)" instead of "Magical Wood" being labeled as "blockMagicWood" in the OD.
(-) Ender IO Fused Quartz no longer counts as hardened glass.
(*) The Ender Quarry no longer requires ludicrous amounts of power.
(-) Forestry gears are now uncraftable. Don't worry, all Forestry recipes can substitute Thermal Foundation gears.
(-) The Railcraft Iron Gear is no longer craftable to prevent collisions. Other Railcraft gears are still craftable.
(+) You can directly craft the useless Biomes O' Plenty Amber into Thaumcraft Amber.

====== Thermal Suite ======

(-) Thermal Foundation no longer generates a default Forge Lexicon whitelist.
(+) Re-enabled recipe for Reactant Dynamo because it's needed for certain jetpacks. The Reactant Dynamo still has no valid fuels with which to produce power (and only produces 1 RF/t), so it can't be used for anything else.
(*) Fixed windmills. All windmills can (and do) produce more than 1 RF/t now. Keep in mind that unless placed at high elevation they are still quite weak.
(*) Thermal Foundation gears are now a little cheaper (they no longer require a central iron ingot).

====== Tinker's Construct ======

(+) Re-enabled Tinker's Armory module because it was causing the TCon books to crash when read.
(+) Alumite now obeys conservation of matter. 5 Aluminum + 2 Iron + 2 Obsidian = 9 Alumite, not 8.
(-) Disabled TCon wooden rails. Railcraft has these. If you're going rails, you're going Railcraft.
(+) Re-added TCon heart canisters. You can now craft green hearts and green heart canisters.
(*) Changed TCon bounce pad recipe.
(-) Removed all of the TCon modular armor pieces. I really didn't want to re-enable the Armory module.
(*) Adjusted the Knapsack recipe.
(+) Some of the uncraftable Tinker's "chisel bricks" are now craftable. All "chisel bricks" can be unchiseled now.
(+) Most Smeltery components can now be crafted back into Seared Bricks.
(+) You can now craft Seared Stone (the block) from Seared Bricks (the block). It's like making stone bricks backwards.

====== HarvestCraft ======

(+) 1 water bucket now crafts into 4 HarvestCraft fresh water instead of 1 (consistent with older behavior).
(+) The HarvestCraft Market now works. You can trade 1 gold nugget for any seed, or 4 saplings for a fruit tree sapling. It should be much easier to round out your food collection now.
(*) HarvestCraft Presser and Sink recipes altered. It's worth noting here that Pam broke her non-wooden sinks extremely badly; as such their recipes were disabled.

====== Archimedes Ships ======

(+) You can now make Archimedes Ships containing 65,536 blocks (the size of an entire chunk). Any horrendous lag you encounter as a result of testing this limit is entirely your fault.
(-) Archimedes Ships can no longer carry around dimensional doors or aura nodes. It's for the best.

====== Miscellaneous ======

(*) Bedrock is now flattened by CoFHCore, including retroactively.
(*) Twilight Forest portals now require diamonds again (default behavior) instead of apples. Turns out changing things for the sake of change just causes confusion.
(+) The unique Mazebreaker pickaxe has been drastically buffed and can now be repaired using Knightmetal.
(-) Removed the "Certus Quartz + Electrotine = Charged Certus" recipe because there is a proper way to charge Certus Quartz.
(*) Changed some Extra Utilities decorative block recipes.
(*) Shuffled around what items can be put on what BiblioCraft racks.
(+) You can now uncraft the various derivative forms of Thickened Glass back into Thickened Glass.
(*) Inverting the various forms of Ethereal Glass is now free.
(*) Adjusted recipes for MFR decorative bricks (e.g. Paved Stone Bricks, Obsidian Bricks, Glowstone Bricks).
(+) Minotaur burgers are back on the menu.
(+) All Twilight Forest "Giant" blocks can be turned into 64 normal blocks.
(*) Changed the Spice of Life Lunch Box recipe.
Ozzatron posted a changelog update for Planar Exodus 2 7 years ago


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Latest Update

Version 1.7.6 released. Reach your ME net from anywhere with the Infinity Booster!