Version 1.4.8
Added a new client-side mod that let's players see items on the ground in a different way. Small mod but looks cool :P
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.4.7
No major changes just some slight changes to configuration files.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.4.5
I've removed TabbyChat. It had a few bugs that caused issues with chat on servers. Since it's client-side people can always add it manually. I've also added 2 new skins into the modpack for customNPCs one for Nurse Joy and one for a pokemart shopkeeper. Feel free to link me skins you want added to the modpack
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.4.3
Changed PokeSafari Development IP to a static IP instead of a dynamic IP
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.4.1
Minor config change and added 3D mod plus better foliage. I'm unaware how this will effect peoples computers so if I get any complaints I'll remove but I don't imagine it will cause too much lag
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.3.1
Had to remove torchtools since it caused the modpack not to start
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.3
* Removed NEI since at times it gets in the way with pixelmon. Instead I've added the craftguide mod so you can use a book to view all recipes easily
* Added the iron chest mod. Now you can create iron/gold/diamond/etc... chests to have much more storage
* Added torchtools allowing people to easily build with a tool equipped
Version 1.2
* Now using journey map unlimited
* Added customNPCs
* More configuration modifications