Mods Included:
- Aether II
- Apotheosis
- Applied Energetics 2
- AutoRegLib
- Backpack
- Baubles
- BiomesOPlenty
- Botania
- Chisel
- CodeChickenLib
- CofHCore
- CoFHWorld
- DecoCraft
- Doggy Talents
- Dungeons 2
- End Reborn
- Ferdinands's Flowers
- Forestry
- Fossils and Archeology Revival
- Furniture
- GottschCore
- Gravestone
- Ice And Fire
- iChunUtil
- Just Enough Items
- Llibary
- LootBags
- Magic Bees
- Minecraft Comes Alive
- Mekanism
- Mowzie's Mobs
- Msyical Llib
- Not Enough Cats
- Pam's Harvest Craft
- Patchouli
- Placebo
- Portal Gun
- PTRlib
- Quark
- RadixCore
- RandomLoot
- Rex's Additional Structures
- Roguelike Dungeons
- Ruins
- Thaumcraft
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Treasure 2
- Ultimate Unicorn Mod
- Weeping Angels