Install Rexxit: Jurassic Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Rexxit: Jurassic Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Rexxit: Jurassic Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Rexxit: Jurassic Pack Version 1.1.6

created by endermedia on Minecraft 1.21 using Technic Solder
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nao tem como minerar nada alem de pedra, carvao e ferro é impossivel de pegar, e sem isso nao tem como progredir
fernandace 4 years ago
We have bug on our server stack overflow and we don t know what causes that bug we tried to uninstall the optifine it didn't work and if we start from the new world it happens again and again and we have a LOT OF PROGRESS IN THIS WORLD . So if someone know the bug solution
Strawber 4 years ago
how do i get coal or iron? i cant use a stone pick for some reason. it just breaks the ore and i cant do anything. help
BunnyHops101 4 years ago
You have to level up a flint pic made in tinkers construct. When you make a pic hold shift while hovering over it in your inventory.
Posted by SacreldiAknar 4 years ago
NEI doesn't work :(
KibariZ 4 years ago
press o
Posted by SacreldiAknar 4 years ago
please have somebody a server on this modpack?
Kajinka001 4 years ago
how can I install on java edition
TheSaltyGent 5 years ago
Com a picareta inicial só estou conseguindo quebrar pedra, e não adianta fazer uma picareta de pedra, pois quebra e não dropa os itens (pedra, ferro, e etc).
Thistark 5 years ago
LOVE IT! I would prefer if it had open blocks and the fossils and archaeology revival mod, but otherwise, brilliant!
TuskedSeal 5 years ago
Could you please fix it please it will not let me play. Thank you!
airplaneboy 5 years ago
hey creater can you fix your game I can't play It please!
Wolfyspirtwolf4432 5 years ago
Can you update the mods in this Because i'm not able to mine anything other than stone because nothing will work on anything else and they all say they need updating please, i dont know how to go and update them
Sp33dyS3aM0th 5 years ago
Acabei de baixar e também estou com o mesmo problema.
Posted by Thistark 5 years ago
how come there is no shaders option in the video settings its just details but no shaders and I would really like to put shaders in the game anyone know??
chino_8055 5 years ago
well bro if i EVER DO GET IN THE GAME! and figure it out i will tell you!
Posted by mrcomfortably 5 years ago
does anyone know of a way to fix that my dinosaurs cannot hurt me in survival. I was try to make a Jurassic park map adventure but the dinos cant attack the players
MrBrekFisch 5 years ago
Hello, someone can help me, I'm playing this mod pack (Rexxit: Jurassic Pack) and I can not pick up iron with a stone pick, I did not do any research, I did not find anything, I'm looking for someone who can help me, thank you!
eduvilima 5 years ago
can you add not enough items or whatever the mod is that lets you look at recipies in your inventory and look up thing
ShawnyBony 5 years ago
If you add a mod to this pack, but the game crashes and it says that it another version of forge, I can help. Download the latest version of minecraft 1.7.10 forge universal binary. Rename it modpack.jar Delete the existing one in the Bin folder (located in, then add your modpack.jar there This is also how you add forge to a modpack your making yourself. (without the deleting part) The other way it could crash is if it's missing a mod it needs, for example, jurassicraft requires LLibrary to work. or there's just an exception from the mod, then sadly, you have to delete it.
hubb 5 years ago
I forgot to say: if in survival and you can't mine ores, go to your rexxit folder, click the configs part, then click IguanTinkerTweaks, then click modules, then you will see: Modify tool and item mining levels to create a tiered-ish progression turn this to false
hubb 5 years ago
To stop it from freezing at 85%, go to the technic launcher, click launch options, click Java settings, then make the game use at least 5 RAM. If you open your inventory, and its regular Minecraft style, press O. this activates NEI. when in NEI, and your search bar becomes black with a yellow outline, and it shades in any item that doesn't have what you search for in it, double click the search bar, this activates and de-activates this. And when in survival and when you try to click on an item in your inventory to look at the recipe and it gives you the item, click options (bottom left corner), then click world (top right corner) and then click inventory, click the bar that says cheat mode, it will then say recipe mode. Hovering over an item in your inventory and pressing R also brings up the recipe. I hope this helps confused players!
hubb 5 years ago
Ok thanks!
Posted by mrcomfortably 5 years ago
only gives me options of 512, 768 and 1gig. frustrating
Posted by viking5 5 years ago
Lots of people of having trouble with these things, I highly doubt many people will be looking at this thread much anymore but I can help lots of you. As for not being able to mine ANY sorts of ores, that is just apart of the IguanaTinkerTweaks mod and you can turn that option off, simply go into the config folder for the mod above ^^ and go into 'Modules' and look for the"Modify tool and item mining levels to create a tiered-ish progression" and change that too false. and for the stopping at 85% then crashing, simply google how to turn up RAM on technic launcher and that's a possible fix but not definite.
DoubleMcSpeedy 5 years ago
I was wondering if you knew a way to make the flans mod vehicle guns fire, because I cannot seem to make them work
Posted by MrBrekFisch 5 years ago
I'm missing a few of the machines I need? I'm not sure what's wrong. Please PLEASE help, I've put in so much into this world only to find out I can't even make dinosaurs. The only machines I have are the dna extractor & combiner or whatever. I don't have anything else like the incubator. I have DNA but no way to make it into a dino. :( Please help :(
busybee 6 years ago
you need to create a cultivate and then fill it will water and fill up the bars on the right then add the dinosaur dna and wait then after that you'll have an egg.
Posted by 21201918171615 5 years ago
ps to add nutrients to the cultivate use raw beef its the BEST!!
Posted by mrcomfortably 5 years ago

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