Install Industrial Expansion

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Industrial Expansion) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Industrial Expansion from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Industrial Expansion Version

created by PegasisFC on Minecraft 1.5.2
Industrial Expansion is a modpack that has 130+ mods. This modpack is meant to greatly expand the many aspects of Minecraft by adding dozens of new biomes, bosses, mobs, ores and machines!

It is recommended to play with at least 2GB of memory.
Please report crashes and bugs. Be sure to bring the crash-report. Sorry that the Proof of Permissions is still WIP, I just haven't had a lot of time.

Updates may break worlds, next update, pack will be out of beta.

Mod List:

- Minecraft Forge by LexManos
- Better Animation Collection Revived by NosirrahK
- TreeCapitator by bspkrs & DaftPVF
- Code Chicken Core by chicken_bones
- Not Enough Items by chicken_bones
- PowerCrystals Core by PowerCrystals
- Additional BuildCraft Objects by Flow86
- Applied Energistics by AlgorithmX2
- Armor Bar by Crudedragos
- Ars Magica by Mithion
- Backpacks Mod by Eydamos
- Back Tools by iChun
- Balkon's Weapons Mod by BalkondeurAlpha
- Better Furnaces by TheFrogMC
- Bspkrs Core by bspkrs
- Buff Bar by Crudedragos
- BuildCraft by SpaceToad
- Buildcraft Tools by Maexx97
- Chest Transporter by CubeX2
- Charge Pads by Myrathi
- Chicken Chunks by chicken_bones
- Chocolate Quest by Chocolatin
- CoFH Core by Team CoFH
- Compact Solar Arrays by cpw
- Craft Heraldry by Vazkii
- Damage Indicators by rich1051414
- Diamond Buckets by thorgot
- Enchanting Plus by Qizzok, xkyouchoux, mssodin28 & GnRSlash
- Equivalent Exchange 3 by Pahimar
- Extended Workbench by Naruto1310
- Extra Doors by zolandre
- Falling Meteors Mod by AlexDGr8r
- Flat Signs by Myrathi
- Flat Bedrock by PowerCrystals
Forestry by SirSengir
- Gravitation Suite by SenNtiMeL
- Greg's Lighting by Greg_Ewing
- Grimoire of Gaia 2 by Silentine
- GunCus by Stuuupiiid
- Hats Mod by iChun
- Hat Stand by iChun
- IndustrialCraft 2 by Alblaka
- Infernal Mobs by AtomicStryker
- Infinity Bow Fix by Myrathi
- Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
- Iron Chest by cpw
- Lava Monsters FatherToast
- Legendary Beasts by Davidee
- Lost Books by FatherToast
Magic Bees by MysteriousAges
- Magical Crops by Mark719
- Mekanism by aidancbrady
- Mekanism Generators by aidancbrady
- Mekanism Tools by aidancbrady
- MineFactory Reloaded by PowerCrystals
- Mob Amputation by iChun
- Mob Dismemberment by iChun
- Mining World Mod by Aroma1997
- Modular Powersuits by MachineMuse
- Modular Powersuits Addons by Andrew2448
- Natura by mDiyo
- NEI Plugins by mistaqur
- Nether Ores by PowerCrystals
- Nuclear Control by Shedar
- Obsidiplates by Myrathi
- OmniTools by Team CoFH
- Pam's DesertCraft by MatrexsVigil
- Pam's Get All the Seeds by MatrexsVigil
- Pam's Huge Mushroom Spawn by MatrexsVigil
- Pam's Weee Flowers by MatrexsVigil
Power Converters by PowerCrystals
- Project Zulu by Crudedragos
- qCraft by dan200
- Rotten Flesh to Leather by EpicBlargh
- Secret Rooms Mod by AbrarSyed
- Simple Ores by AleXndrTheGr8st
- Special Mobs by FatherToast
- Starting Inventory by DaftPVF & bspkrs
- Steve's Carts by Vswe
- Sun's Son by branquinho_I0j
- The Eternal Frost by poiuytrezay
The Lion King Mod by Mevans
The Lord of the Rings Mod by Mevans
- Thermal Expansion by Team CoFH
- Tinkerer's Construct by mDiyo
- Torojima's ChocoCraft by Torojima
- Utility Mobs by FatherToast
- Voxel Map by MamiyaOtaru
- Wholy's Pack by wholy

If you enjoy this pack, please share it, and give it a +1!

I am looking for someone to make a logo and background for me, if you're intrested, please tell me