Welcome to th 'Sekkit - Industrial Pack'! As the name sudgests, this modpaack is made from industrial mods. This is my first modpack so it's probably gonna have several problems, so please don't forget to leave a feedback message reporting bugs or sudgesting something about the pack.
-> ModList <-
- AdvancedSolarPainels
- Amplied Energistics
- Bprks Core
- Backpacks
- Bdlib
- BuildCraft
- ChickenChunks
- CodeChickenCore
- CofhCore
- Craftable Nether Star
- Enderstorage
- Engineer's Toolbox
- Equivalent Exchange 3
- Factorization
- Forestry
- GalacticCraft Core
- GalacticCraft Planets
- GenDustry
- Gravitation Suite
- iChunUntil
- IHL Tools and Machines
- Industrial Craft 2
- Iron Chests
- Mantle
- MicdoodleCore
- Modular PowerSuits
- NEI Addons
- Not Enought Itens
- Nuclear Control 2
- Numina
- Optfine HD Ultra
- PortalGun
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Smeltery
- Tinkers Construct
- Tinkers Mechworks
- Tree Capitator
- Waila
- Xero's Minimap
Disclaimer: This pack is a little heaby, therefore you may have some problems with game crash, So set your game according to the following: Minimall RAM : 2G Recomended RAM: 4G Remember you can play with only 1G, but your game will crash often.
That's it for now, please like and share the pack if you like it, send me feedback messages and don't forget to stay up for future updates!