Install RLCraft

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (RLCraft) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select RLCraft from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

RLCraft Version 2.9.3

created by Shivaxi on Minecraft 1.12.2

RLCraft updated to version 2.8.1


>>>over 100 new structures hoozah! more details below 4 + 3 + (4 * 2) (DMG Bonus) = 15 damage
This should prevent weapons getting lucidrously powerful with extremely strong enchantments (aka, no more one-shotting dragons with sabers/rapiers Mr SystemCollapse).

Lycanite's Mobs update!

-Back-ported the AI overhaul from 1.14.4 versions of Lycanites Mobs:
-Added Creature Groups (different to Creature Types) which affect how mobs interact with other entities such as the predator group, monsters group, inferno group, etc.
-Added Creature Diets which can be viewed in the Beastiary, these affect which items can be fed to pets to heal them as well as which items can be fed to farmable creatures to breed them.
-The AI overhaul should drastically improve summon/pet AI. (no longer attacking armor stands, properly adhering to commands)
-Fixed a bug with Defensive and Assist pet stances where pets would not defend or assist their owner at all.
-Some creature behaviour is now slightly different, for example Quillbeasts are now neutral, this is all tied into the new creature groups system.
-Fixed bestiary not syncing correctly at times causing players bestiary to appear empty.
-Fixed some foods not applying their buff (yes chupacabra meat gives leech again =D).
-(because of the above change, foods do NOT instant heal any longer! They only give their potion effect now, similiar to RLCraft v2.5 behaviour)
-Fixed being able to spam X ability on mounts, flying feradons, etc.
-Fixed a bug where fused elementals summoned from Summoning Pedestals were not added to each pedestal's summoning limit.
-Fixed a bug where Equipment Parts like the Iron Paxel weren't harvesting blocks correctly.
-Fixed a crash caused by invisibility when using various other mods (this includes the Grue Claw crash).
-Fixed some text positioning in the Beastiary Creature tab.
-Added missing language entry for Infected Conba.
-Fixed a server exploit that allowed flying.
-Fixed a crash with other mods when the player is invisible (Grue Claw Lv 3).
-Fixed a bug where redstone block updates could spawn Xaphans rapidly.
-Fixed Wisps and Sylphs not rendering their hair and wings when Optifine was installed.
-Fixed a bug where Subspecies sizes weren't being loaded (a new feature from the 1.14.4 back port).
-Water only mounts will now move at only 10% speed when on land.
-Underground mobs will only spawn at y 50 and below (was y 60).
-Cinders spawn rate in the nether only has been toned down (now separate spawner for them that is dimension specific).
-Entities with a width or height larger than 4 are now considered heavy for picking up (no more picking up dragons/battletower guardians with the Roc omegalawl).
-Pets and minions set to Assist will now attack enemies hit by any attack from the player, previously they only responded to melee attacks.
-All behaviours like aggressive, assist, defensive, passive, should now work correctly. Pets/mounts should correctly follow player when set to follow mode.
-Pets/mounts/minions set to Aggressive no longer attack passive mobs (yay don't have to worry about walking into a village with your your summons out lol).
-Food fixes, most foods now give the correct buff for the correct amount of time (swift swimming still does not work for now).
-Dungeon bosses now have boss bars! Dungeon boss rooms size increased to fix certain bosses getting stuck like Tyrant Dragon.
-Lycanite mini bosses no longer lurable or tamable with treats.
-Pet/Mount respawn timer set to 3 minutes (was 5) and timer is now shown next to respawn bar.
-Rahovert and Asmodeus had a slight height scale miscalculation, causing them to shoot over you instead of at you at times. Both bosses are now deadly accurate >:)

Better Survival update!

-Tons of bug fixes!
-Nunchucks re-enabled! (just for PewDiePie) No longer crashing.
-Spears re-enabled! No longer crashing.
-Tunneling enchant re-enabled! No longer crashes server.
-Multishot enchant re-enabled! No longer duping arrows.
-Hammer slam attack can now crush more blocks (wool, glass and infested blocks).
-Explosions caused by blasting enchantment no longer breaks blocks.
-Blasting and multishot are now mutually exclusive.
-Changed how penetration works (now (2+lvl)*10% of damage ignores armor).
-All enchantments now have a description (Enchantment Descriptions mod)
-Player's hand no longer swings if he is using nunchakus.
-Crossbow now appeares fully loaded when it should.
-Status effects added by this mod now work correctly.
-Status effects added by this mod now have icons.
-Nunchakus now spin in multiplayer.
-Shields now apply attribute modifiers correctly.
-Range enchant fixed, arrows will no longer gain infinite velocity and cause crash (lul).
-Dragonbone and chitin varients of weapons added!
-Silver weapons from Better Survival now correctly do undead bonus damage!

No Tree Punching update!

-Fixes JEI recipes not showing for all knives now including flint knife.
-Fixes a crash involving MultiMine and Sponge.
-Fixes rocks causing entity collision and interfering with mob pathfinding (dragons should no longer spin me right round baby rought round).
-Fixes mattocks mining slowly on generic wood items.
-Fixes double tall grass and double ferns not dropping plant fiber.

Dynamic Surroundings update!

-Waterfall splash sound should no longer linger after the waterfall effect is gone. Yay!

Dyanamic Trees update!

-Fix crash when mining Rooty Block with ProportionalDestructionParticles(thanks Tommsy64)
-Fixed a bug with subterranean generation(thanks satyrnidae)
-Fixed ArithmeticException startup crash(thanks ruudschouten)
-Fixed StackOverflow crash in BlockBranch(thanks fonnymunkey)

XP Tome update!

-Fixed XP dupe bug by "repairing" xp tomes on an anvil.

Trinkets & Baubles update!

-Added silver, sapphire, hephastite, umbrium, and scarlite ores to dragon eye search.
-Dragon's eye growl effect won't play if sneaking.
-Dragon's eye now makes you immune to hyperthermia from Tough As Nails! (aka too hot)
-Dragon's eye now has a block detection range of 5 height and 10 radius (down from 6 height and 12 radius)
-Fairy ring now lets you fly! With the downside of lowering your hearts while wearing the ring.
-Dwarf ring now lowers your hearts while wearing it.
-Dwarf ring fortune effect will not stack with other fortune effects anymore.
-Wearing the Poison Stone now lets you deal 2x damage to enemies that are poisoned.
-Ring of Enchanted Eyes prevents blindness.
-Stone Of The Sea now prevents thirst effect when drinking dirty water from Tough As Nails!
-Slightly lowered swim speed while wearing Stone Of The Sea.
-Ender Queen Crown now makes you immune to Hypothermia from Tough As Nails! (aka too cold)
-Wearing the Ender Queen Crown will not let you get drops or XP from killing endermen anymore.
-Wearing the Ender Queen Crown makes water damage you!
-Wearing the Ender Queen Crown now allows for a 1 in 50 chance of spawning an endermen when you take damage, that will attack and kill whatever attacked you.
-Wither Ring now allows you to leech health off enemies that have wither applied to them.
-Polarized Stone now drains your hunger when repelling projectiles.
-Lowered speed that Stone of Greater Inertia grants slightly.
-You will take 25% of fall damage with the Stone of Greater Inertia now (instead of 0%) and 50% knockback resist.
-Stone of Inertia Null grants immunity to fall damage and knockback.
-Re-enabled Stone of Inertia Null and Stone of Greater Inertia, now only drop from ultra infernal mobs.
-New bauble! Shield Of Honor! Grants resistance effect, 1 in 50 chance to ignore headshots (first aid compat), 50% resistance to explosions, and every 10th hit you take (only counted if 1 full heart of damage) will be ignored!

Bountful Baubles update!

-Fixed recall potions not respecting non-bed spawn points (yes this means they should work with Wastones now, pog).
-Made ender dragon scales drop over a greater area so that they're less likely to fall in the portal.

Varied Commodities update!

-Recipe book fixed! POG!
-You can dye couches and other wool items by right clicking it with a dye in your hand (also fixed a crash with this)
-Barrels/Crates fixed! Now shows item tooltips! Also works with inventory tweaks! OMEGAPOG!
-Fixed dupe bug with weapon racks and sword pedestal.

Added Snow! Real Magic!

-Snow layer will fall like sand. If it touches a water source, it will become ice.
-Snow layers will accumulate during snow storms.
-Snow layers will have thinner bounding box.

ANOTHER HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped so much with v2.8:


Lycanite (for being an absolute BOSS developer fixing up all the issues and quirks just for this release!!)

fonnymunkey (for tons of testing!)

Icebelly (for all the new awesome structures!)

joeyjoejoeshabidoo (more testing!)

Tehmadtitan (all the testing!!)

Block_Vader (for coming back to develop Better Survival and fix it up due to the popularity of RLCraft!  Huge thanks!)

AlcatraazEscapee (for lots of speedy fixes to No Tree Punching!)

Ferreusveritas (for taking the time to fix the incredibly difficult crash with Dynamic Trees!)

XCube & Charles445 (for both of their AMAZING work on the ISeeDragons mod, tons of coding help, patching up every last little bug and issue!)

XzeroAir (for fixing up and adding RLCraft specific compatibility and options into Trinkets & Baubles! POG!)

Pyrofab (for a great rework of the potion rings and fixing some critical issues!)

And anyone else I may have messed, all the devs updating their mods, all the testers on discord who helped make this release as solid as it is and spent endless hours testing out 2.8.  Huge huge props.
Shivaxi posted a changelog update for RLCraft 5 years ago


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I have a request for some mods that I wish to be added. I would like Electroblob's wizardry and the Dragon Mounts mod. I think wizardry in a land where you can be murdered by a dragon in half a second would be amazing, and Dragon Mounts would add more dragons that we as players would be able to ride. This modpack is awesome (and annoyingly hard) and I think these mods would add more greatness to it
Posted by bluebatdoc 5 years ago
Oh, another thing, I would think it to be good if you've updated to the latest ice and fire version because I know the latest Ice and fire version and it has Dragon Steel forge and there is not any in RLCraft. Oh another mod recommendation ancient warfare xD Ok thats all
Posted by bluebatdoc 5 years ago
For some reason,i can't see the shaders option in video settings,any idea why? I was able to before the update.
Posted by baqn2 5 years ago

Latest Update

RLCraft was updated to version 2.9.3