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it doesn't work anymore so plz fix it
fix the pack plz
Cant get it - tried new posted server ip just get no data received/empty response
dear Erberhard can you plz fix the download i cant download it it says some thing about plz fix it
I just saw this and it looks pretty popular. The only thing is I can't install it. Something about link not working. Hopefully this is fixed because I really want to hop on.
when i am on earth i keep crashing but when i am on a other planet i don't crash but i stuck on earth
when i play the modpack keeps crashing every time i join the server after a few sec i crash
hey i can't get the download it says the star wars mod is broken.
um is there any way for me to fix this, when I try to enlarge my game the text goes weird looking?
try changing your screen resolution
With all due respect, please be patient. We have been working on both the modpack and the server, we've had a few setbacks but nothing we couldn't handle. Sadly the update link seems to have once again run out of bandwith, this is normal: We simply must way until tomorrow for it to reset... In the meantime, I will inform you that the server should be up soon, by tomorrow in the latest.
thanks for telling when the server will be online, can't wait to play again :D
cya ingame
In the last update, I install the modpack, but when the installlation get 96% he says that occured a error and contact the owner of the modpack, please help me, i like so much of modpack, and i want to play.
Guys they are working on the server since there was a HUGE update, please be patient it should be up by this week--- this happens every time they have a HUGE update.
I don't cam on the Serfer.
I can't instal modpack...please fix t
Hello i would really appretiate it if i could be whitelisted? My username is Schizotypal_kid Idk if you guys accept random whitelists but yeah
Hi there! The reason the server has a whitelist currently is because the staff are working on banning certain items and making new crafting recipe's etc. Hopefully the server should be up within the next few days. I hope this helped!
i cant install the modpack please fix
I can not enter the modpack
Anyway, is the server back up or not? I downloaded this a pack a while ago and the server didn't work.
cant wait 4 force awakens! any1 else feel like me?
Im watching that movie tommorow!
Modpack Won't download you up\date broke the link