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It keeps saying can't reach server?? Is the server offline right now?
For me it says end of stream
The server is offline every so often, so just try again latter whenever you see this..
Hey ErberHard, id love to become a moderator/helper on the server
Alright Duce...
Do you have a Twitter?
no i dont
Ok, well then I shall be on the server world latter to day to inform you in the information you will need.. Until then! :D
sounds good Erber! seeya then :)
is the server usually down around this time? 7am pacific
The server is open 24/7, be sure you are accessing it through the multiplayer option instead of the official server..
I want to join the server but I get an unknown host error, any fix?
I'm not sure what you mean, can your perhaps reference the problem with an image?
I clicked the official server option, and it gives me that error, however, I am about to try Ludwing's "fix". I hope this works, as I really love Star Wars
It is not a fix, you can only access the server through the multiplayer option, like a very other regular server..
In a sense, it is a fix, as it fixed my issue, and, if I joined like "every other regular server," why is there an official server option?
How do i use Force?
Make sure you have selected your class, and then kill a lot of mobs to level up. This will allow you to unlock many abilities, like force lighting and you can switch between these... How do i select these things?: [ ]
(Make sure you go to controls and rebind your settings first!)
wow mudpack awesome spelling
really the server Is down? I just got the mudpack
Um, the server is up.. Although the only world you can currently visit from spawn is the survival world..
oh i got it
i like it but how to get back to tatooine it says price :1000 1000 what?
(do not qoute me on that date it is est upon Disney's specs)
.... Seems a bit unfair to make such a popular mod in a whitelisted server... especially with Force Awakens coming out on Dec 9th
umm Whitelisted...? What is up with that?
Yeah sorry, he have had to reset everything and now the server is white-listed while we rebuild spawn and a lot of other things...
I have been having some trouble with the update link, so have switched my upload programs, please comment if you are having issues downloading or updating this modpack
I'm having trouble with it
Trouble how?
It keeps saying "Failed to download Please Consult The Modpack Author."
Yes that is a problem, I will try to fix the link as soon as possible.. Perhaps even make another alternate link
Alright try update v1.8.6 when it syncs it..
Alright Thanks!
Now it's saying "You are not white-listed on this server!"
Yeah sorry, he have had to reset everything and now the server is white-listed while we rebuild spawn and a lot of other things...
Has the server become unwhitelisted yet?
oh wait nvm
Updating it now!
...And the server isn't up yet....
Could you reset the Server?
I have a suggestion for the server - try installing a 1.6.4 version of bukkit (and maybe some additional plugins)
Sure thing, thanks for the suggestion..
BTW, Admins will only be on the server between the hours of 4:00 pm and 10:00 pm Pacific Time..
If you need further help, or have trouble being spawned at the actual spawn location containing the server's information, please leave a message or contact us personally on twitter @ErberhardOnBrdy
Server Ip:
please fix this i think this pack is really cool and i would like to get it
i can't get the pack it says "Broken API Link- Visit the Platform"
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that to be a problem with my modpack. If you need further help please visit this link:
Official Server now out!!!