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I love to play it. Thank you. Are you planing to create a server-pack ?
no, not anytime soon, sorry...
Ok how exactly can I make a functionl spaceship?
I would like to see some sort of faction system with Custom Npcs. So that in space if you are allied with the Republic they don't gun you down lol.
What exactly do you mean by faction system? Can you be more specific..
Can I come with a suggestion for an update?... More vehciles, like the walkers, the at te, the republic attack gunship, the turbo tank... all are wanted, but you can start with the one you want ofcourse! xD.... And some sort of force field, shield or something like that.... Tnx if you like the comment and really think about it! xD
Of course, thanks for commenting!
Whenever I go onto tatalonie, I get some serious lag and eventually the game freezez and the only way to get it baack is to restart the computer. Could somebody please tell me how to fix it. It has done it to me for a while, even before the last updates.
I really like the modpack, but I can not go anywhere besides the default world. It is confuzing, my computer can play battlefield 4 but can't handle this when I get to tatalonie.
Buildcraft, modular force fields?
You could add a futuristic version of Flans mod?
thanks for the suggestion, flans might be good..
Any suggestions for new mods to add?
Modular Force Fields and BuildCraft
It works for me now
Really? Thanks for helping me realize it was the forge mod loader that was causing problems...
It says the official server is an unknown host. Is there another IP? ( "Unknown host '' " )
Oh, there is currently no official server from my part, sorry...
I think the forge mod loader is broken...
Do you think so? I can try and change it..
okay every time i launch it. the launcher will go away like its going to run. then like 5 seconds later the launcher comes up... don't know why, please help.
Like this modpack? Try out: Alluring Adventure Pack!
link: ( )
one of the mods might not be compatible with another
Like I have said before, this modpack works just fine for me and many other people. I have tested it and removed the mods that i thought may be causing problems, so I am not sure why some people are having issues with it. I believe it to be some sort of client side issue.
please fix it
it does not work fix it please
it didnt work plz fix it
i can't download the pack and i do not now why??
Hello, I Have A Dedicated 24/7 Server, I Would Like To Make An Official Server For This Mod-Pack, It Seems A-lot Of People Like This Pack, And I Would Like To Help Out, Add Me On Skype, I Am : InfinityXGaming I Can Keep Paying For The Server, So Don't Worry About It :)