Install Strangers in a Strange Land

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Strangers in a Strange Land) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Strangers in a Strange Land from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Strangers in a Strange Land Version 2.8.1

created by TheSuddenStorm on Minecraft 1.7.10
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Can you add a server??
daisy1926 5 years ago
Upon attempting to install for the first time, I got the following: "Error downloading a file for the following pack: Strangers in a Strange Land Failed to Download Please consult the modpack author." So I took a screenshot to get you the error verbatim, and now I'm consulting @TheSuddenStorm. Where do we go from here?
MrDraconyc 9 years ago
It should work now, if you give it another try, my dropbox files got deleted. also, apologies for the late response.
Posted by TheSuddenStorm 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hey @TheSuddenStorm, I'm having a hard time loading the mudpack. It keeps crashing after attempting to load a world. It is around the three minute mark and around 40% spawn terrain generated. Any idea what's going on?
Rakusho 9 years ago
please the crash report and the logs as a reply to your original comment and I'll see what I can dig up.
Posted by TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Thank everyone for the 300 & 600 and all have a happy holiday!
TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago
you can now control mob spawns. to do this edit controls and rebind mo'creatures and twitch off of f6 and then press f6 Added: GuiLib, Mob Spawn Controller, DragonAPI, Mutant Creatures, Void Monster, Fossils Archaeology Revival, Dungeon Mobs.
TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago
200 downloads and 400 runs. Thank you all
TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago
I am getting alot of lag....any suggestions to eliminate it?
lorrode 9 years ago
Allotting more RAM to your technic launcher, if applicable. You can also go into your video settings and turn down render distance, put graphics on fast, decreasing particle effects, turning clouds on or off, that sort of thing. Optifine adds a lot more ways to fix as well. Just got to go through all the options and pick the ones that say least lag/best performance. Good luck, if none of that works I can only say to try a different computer and promise that I will begin working on trying to improve this sort of thing once I hit 3.0.0
Posted by TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
You might also try hitting m while in game and turning down (or up) settings in millenaire. it appears I've made an error and added an extra zero in a place or two. I should have this hotfixed in a couple hours
Posted by TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
I've uploaded the fix and it should show up on your launcher shortly.
Posted by TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
100 downloads and 200 runs! Thank you everyone! I never thought I'd get more than ten downloads :D
TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago
Any pictures you wish to share or if you want to contact me for any reason I can be reached at [email protected] ***Please Put SSL in the subject line so your messages are not flagged as spam***
TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago
If there is anything you need help with let me know, I have people who might be willing to help and I see great potential in this pack and it would be a shame to see it go down.
DuskMask 9 years ago
We should be fine, got some servers lined up just need the money to get them, got a good team working hard. if you don't want us to flop best thing you can do is play, give a like, and get your friends playing with you, and their friends as well and etc.
Posted by TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Welcome to the Beginning. More mods may be added in the future but for right now we are happy with what mods there are (I am also currently working on compiling a list of those mods and their websties). What you can expect to see in the future from us is a public server, and a custom resource pack complete with sounds. The server is income restricted, the resource pack art is being created as I speak, and after the art is done we will look for a decent audio-tech to create the custom sounds. Long story short, lands are going to become stranger.
TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago
is there a public server for the pack?
DuskMask 9 years ago
Unfortunately not, we are working to get one eventually but currently our servers are LAN restricted. The pack is completely server compatible though so feel free to set up your own.
Posted by TheSuddenStorm 9 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

with minetweaker you have huge amounts of control over item recipes, will be useful for fixing any conflicting recipes. if you find any such let me know!