Install Tec O' Mage 3

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tec O' Mage 3) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tec O' Mage 3 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tec O' Mage 3 Version 1.1

created by Zelden77 on Minecraft 1.16.5

This is a fun, very magical modpack in 1.16.5, with lots of tech.

Check out the old Tec O' Mage,
Tec O' Mage 2, and Tec O' Mage 4


-Modular Powersuits -Obscura Mod/s -Aquamirae -Obscure API -Obscuria's Tooltips -Obscuria's Essentials -Numina -Mekanism -Mekanism Tools -Mekanism Additions -Mekanism Generators -Hals Exploration Mod -Botania -Forestry -Bigger Reactors -Phosphophyllite -Thermal Expansion -Thermal Foundation -Thermal Cultivation -Thermal Innovation -Thermal Locomotion -ObserverLib -Applied Energistics 2 -Immersive Engineering -Tinkers' Construct -Blood Magic -Mana and Artifice -Ars Nouveau -Astrial Sorcery -Twilight Forest -Mini Utilities -Chisel -Lemon Lib -Just Enough Items -Draconic Evolution -Endergetic Expansion -Quark -Ensorcellation -Occultism -CoFH Core -Patchouli -Curios API -GeckoLib -Blood Smeltery -Mantle -Too Many Glyphs -Tome of Blood -Ars Omega -Ars Elemental -Productive bees -AutoRegLib -Blueprint -CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ -Brandon's Core -ToroHealth Damage Indicators -JourneyMap -Hwyla -Growthcraft Community Edition -Redstone Arsenal -Compact Machines -Artifacts -ExpandAbility -ProjectE -Mystical Agriculture -CB Multipart -Hammer Lib -Morpheus -Project Red -Soul Shards -Scorge -Solar Flux Reborn -Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core -Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops -Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees -Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended -Chunk Loader -Cyclops Core -Integrated Dynamics -Integrated Terminals -Integrated Tunnels -Integrated Crafting -Immersive Petroleum -Computer Craft : Tweaked -Cyclic -Alex's Mobs -Supplementaries -Macaw's Bridges -OpenBlocks Elevator -Create -MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod -AppleSkin -Fast Leaf Decay -Just Enough Resources (JER) -Moonlight Lib -Flywheel -Ender Storage 1.8.+ -Cucumber Library -Dark Utilities -Aquaculture 2 -Sophisticated Backpacks -Bookshelf -Trash Cans -SuperMartijn642's Core Lib -Construction Wand -Common Capabilities -SuperMartijn642's Config Lib -Citadel -Pneumatic Craft: Repressurized -Mowzie's Mobs -GraveStone Mod -Visual Workbench -RandomPatches -Item Collectors -Puzzles Lib -Small Ships -Mythic Botany -Health Overlay -Upgrade Aquatic -Environmental -LibX -Flux Networks -CTM

Latest Update

Tec O' Mage 3 was updated to version 1.1