A 1.12 modpack with a little bit of everything in it.
- actuallyadditions
- applecore
- appleskin
- appliedenergistics2
- aroma1997core
- aromabackup
- attrobrutefix
- backpacks
- bagelsmore
- baubles
- beastmaster
- bedpatch
- betterfoliage
- bibliocraft
- biomesOPlenty
- bloodmagic
- bma_addon
- bowInfinityfix
- carryOn+
- chickenASM
- chisel
- codechockenLib
- COFHWorld
- COFHCore
- computercraft
- controlling
- coroutil
- craftStudio
- craftStudio
- crafttweaker2
- creativeCore
- custommainmenu
- custom-mob-spawner
- customnpc
- cyclopscore
- dynamicTrees
- dynamicsurroundings
- dynamictreesbop
- endercore
- enderIO
- erebus
- evilcraft
- externaltweaker
- extrautils2
- extreamreactors
- fasterkadderclimbing
- forgelin
- forgemultipart
- friendlyfire
- FTBguides
- FTBLib
- FTButilities
- furniture
- guide-api
- hardcoreDarkness
- hearthstone
- Hwyla
- iceandfire
- ichunutil
- industrialcraft
- inventorysorter
- ironchest
- itemphysic
- jei
- jurassiccraft
- justenoughdimentions
- justfashion
- level+up
- levels
- librarianlib
- llibrary
- loottweajer
- malisiscore
- malisisdoors
- mantle
- mcjtylib
- mcmultipart
- mekanism
- mekanismgenerators
- mekanismtools
- metalchests
- mobamputation
- mobdismemberment
- mobultion
- mo-Creatures
- modtweaker
- mrTJPCore
- MTLib
- mtqfix
- netherEx
- nomorereacipeconflics
- openblocks
- openeye
- openmodslib
- optifine
- ore_tweaker
- pet-bat
- projectredbase
- projectredcompat
- projectredfabrication
- projectredintegration
- projectredlighting
- projectredmechanical
- projectredworld
- projectreduniversal
- redstoneflux
- rftools
- rftoolsctrl
- rftoolspower
- roost
- rpginventory
- scalinghealth
- secretrooms
- securitycraft
- silentlib
- sonar-core
- spartanshields
- spartanweaponry
- spatialcompat
- stellar+api
- stepupfix
- subcommonlib
- sync
- tconstruct
- teleportingxp
- thaumcraft
- thaumcraftinventoryscanning
- thebrisingr
- thermaldynamics
- thermalexpansion
- thermalfoundation
- tinkercomplement
- tinkersextras
- tombstone
- torchoptimizer
- torohealth
- tweakersconstuct
- umbralux
- variedcommodities
- veinminer
- weather2
- wizardy
- xpfromharvest
- zerocore