Install Tekkit

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tekkit) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tekkit from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tekkit Version 1.2.9i

created by sct on Minecraft 1.6.4 using Technic Solder
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We really need an update for this good old tekkit with Galaticraft. Could you pls update it to 1.7.10 because many people miss this sort of tekkit. D,:
Willistuhle 9 years ago
I would really like to see the mod Ender IO added to the Mod pack for a better transfer pipe system.
cielmintiku 9 years ago
how do I change my name to play lan with friends?
hugex 9 years ago
Posted by Pixel Creations 8 years ago
So My friends and I decided to make a tekkit server with hamachi (the on thats downloaded here) and the server runs fine, the mods show up, we just can't use them. In the case where we can go into creative and take them out, but they don't place or run. (Something about Item ID missing) Can someone help me out?
ChrillisML 9 years ago
Make sure you extract the server files from the zip folder into a new folder and then run the server as it is, without editing any properties. After you have run the server once; go into the server properties file (best to use word pad) and copy your IPv4 address next to the "server-ip=" with NO spaces. Then run the server again and that is a basic server ready and set-up. Do NOT change the "level-name=world" Instead change the "motd=A Tekkit Server" (You can put what ever you want here) After doing all of this and the same problem still happens then it is probably because you do not have a powerful enough PC or that you are not donating too many resources to your client and there is not enough left for the server, either way try running the server before the client and definitely not at the same time. And one finial note: Always use "lauch.bat" (with the cog symbol)
Posted by Georgeouss 9 years ago
Can't download tekkit on Mac, can anyone help?
dornbusch137 9 years ago
Is this still going to be supported? Now that Tekkit Legends is the focus, I would appreciate an up-to-date main Galaticraft Tekkit.
FlyingTitan00 9 years ago
I really would appreciate an up to date Galacticraft version in Tekkit too, but from reading the wiki, it seems that all of Galacticraft 3 (including asteriods, arc lamps, etc.) was built for minecraft 1.7. That means that all of tekkit would have to shift to 1.7, and understandably, that will take some time. Makes me wonder how many mods need to update before the 1.7 shift is feasible...
Posted by pacguy64 9 years ago
When i start my tekkit, it istantly close. HELP
theninjas2 9 years ago
You need to donate more memory (RAM) in the client settings.
Posted by Georgeouss 9 years ago
where is url
adamrysak 9 years ago
Posted by ike709 9 years ago
Hydra Gaming 9 years ago
Search this URL inside the launcher like when you're installing new packs:
Posted by ike709 9 years ago
ich kann das modpack nicht downloaden warum ?? bitte um antwort
TheFactory123 9 years ago
How do I get Tekkit? All it will let me play on the Technic Launcher is Attack of The B-Team, Blightfall, Hexxit, Tekkit Legends, and Vanilla. Ive done the server download and when I open it, it does nothing. It also wont let me find it in the Technic Launcher. What am I doing wrong? How do i get this modpack? Please help.
Skyy349 9 years ago
Search this URL inside the launcher like when you're installing new packs:
Posted by ike709 9 years ago
is tekkit just about rockets and other planets???
ClairePlaysYT 9 years ago
Not at all, rockets and planets are just late game options. Tekkit's main focus is on tech mods and building tech related systems.
Posted by Georgeouss 9 years ago
I have deleted tekkit and i dont know how to get it back .-. Help plz?
SyHa123 9 years ago
Search this URL inside the launcher like when you're installing new packs:
Posted by ike709 9 years ago
How do you get mod packs on the website
Peanot 9 years ago
Read my reply to Fluffy_Cat1
Posted by Reyzerbit 9 years ago
I am in progress of making my own modpack for the first time, and I notice how in this modpack and in other modpacks you can have say 2 types of copper ores but use either one for a recipe. How does one go about doing this? Thanks!
Reyzerbit 9 years ago
Posted by Pixel Creations 8 years ago
how do u download modpacks?
Fluffy_Cat1 9 years ago
First, download the Technic launcher from this website. Then, in the technic launcher, search for the modpacks you want. You can also find the packs from this website and copy the download url into the launcher. Cheers!
Posted by Reyzerbit 9 years ago
it will not let me get on my account
unicornlol19 9 years ago
If you have a Mojang account use your email
Posted by PlazmaBoltGaming 9 years ago
Won't let me log in with minecraft?
Averybhn 9 years ago
If you have a Mojang account use your email
Posted by PlazmaBoltGaming 9 years ago
I've downloaded the mod pack but when press play nothing happens, I've run the launcher with admin and reinstalled, any on have the same problem or any ideas? Thanks
trizza1998 9 years ago
Try to update Java. Sometimes your version of java is not enough updated for forge
Posted by Radox25 9 years ago
Update your java to 64 bit if your computer supports it.
Posted by PlazmaBoltGaming 9 years ago
Siso kako pravis MODPACK go to google translete xD
Nikola1233333 9 years ago

Latest Update

Lumy Skin Patch has been updated to 1.0.13 so skins should be working again. Existing modpack builds were updated to the fixed version.