Install Tekxit 4 (Official)

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tekxit 4 (Official)) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tekxit 4 (Official) from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tekxit 4 (Official) Version 12.0.0

created by SlayerTheChikken on Minecraft 1.19.2

Tekxit 4 (Official) updated to version 4.8.0

[4.8.0 - An update to remember. It took a long time for me to bang this together due to many factors, it was worth the wait I think.]
Added AE2CCBridge for ComputerCraft commands for AE2.
Added AE2EMICrafting (built from the repo) for EMI crafting interactions with AE2.
Added AppliedBotanics for interaction between Botania and AE2.
Added AppliedEnergistics2WirelessTerminals which adds wireless terminals for AE2.
Added BlahajReplushed to replace Blahaj.
Added Botania for more fun magic things I guess.
Added ExtraOriginsCompatibilityFix (from discord) to fix ExtraOrigins on latest fabric.
Added ItemAlchemy to replace FabricatedExchange.
Added JustEnoughSpeed to replace GottaGoFast.
Added Melody for FancyMenu dependency.
Added my fork of Stacc which fixes crash in latest fabric.
Configured AlessandrvsEnchantments to disable (currently buggy) enchants.
Configured DefaultOptions to reduce default render distance to 10 to mitigate for slight memory usage increase.
Configured FabricSeasons to melt ice if its next to water.
Configured FancyMenu and CustomLoadingScreen to work correctly on their latest versions.
Configured Inmis to disable chestplate replacement.
Configured MCAReborn to disable mature content and voices.
Configured MakeUpUltraFast shaders to fix the seamless loading screen bug.
Configured OriginsClasses jar to disable lumberjack class since it doesn't really do anything with HTTreeChop installed.
Configured Tekxit recipe script so you can use any chest to make backpacks.
Configured Tekxit recipe script to exlude light within berry until that mod is fixed.
Configured Tekxit recipe script to fix smelting soul sand to get vile dust.
Configured Tekxit recipe script to include blue crying obsidian with normal crying obsidian recipes. (I was too lazy to figure out where the replace occurrences thing went, enjoy big block of probably useless code.)
Configured Tekxit recipe script to include wart block back to warts.
Configured Tekxit recipe script to warn users about Create mod Millstone GPU driver crash.
Configured Tekxit recipe script to warn users about EpicKnights horse armors.
Configured Tekxit resource pack to alter some MCAReborn text.
Configured Tekxit resource pack to make Botania rune names child friendly.
Configured server jars to discourage users launching with them directly, which breaks everything.
Configured server properties to disable secure signing. (Just incase somehow the mod doesn't disable it automatically?)
Removed Blahaj as it was out of date with a fork.
Removed ColoredGlowLib as it was only required for LightWithin.
Removed FabricatedExchange as it was buggy.
Removed GottaGoFast as it did not work.
Removed LightWithin as it caused view bobbing to break when combined with iris, to be added at a later date if fixed.
(The "Updated" notes are not present in this version, there were simply too much changelogs to sort through :c ..)
Updated AE2.
Updated AlmostUnified.
Updated AppleSkin.
Updated Architectury.
Updated BCLib.
Updated BetterDays.
Updated BetterEnd.
Updated BetterNether.
Updated Botarium.
Updated CarryOn.
Updated ClothConfig.
Updated Collective.
Updated CraftTweaker.
Updated Create.
Updated Cupboard.
Updated DeeperDarker.
Updated DismountEntity.
Updated DoAPI.
Updated DrippyLoadingScreen.
Updated EMI.
Updated EpicKnights.
Updated Fabric.
Updated FabricLanguageKotlin.
Updated FancyMenu.
Updated FarmersDelight.
Updated FishNoStuck.
Updated FollowersTeleportToo.
Updated FootprintParticle.
Updated FriendsAndFoes.
Updated Fusion.
Updated HTTreeChop.
Updated IndustrialRevolution to my fork which fixes crash in latest fabric.
Updated KelpFertilizer.
Updated Konkrete.
Updated KubeJS.
Updated LeashMod.
Updated Lootr.
Updated MCAReborn.
Updated MCPitanLib.
Updated MakeBubblesPop.
Updated MemoryLeakFix.
Updated MoogsVoyagerStructures.
Updated NetherPortalSpread.
Updated NoPryingEyes.
Updated NotEnoughAnimations.
Updated OpenPartiesAndClaims.
Updated OpenPartiesAndClaimsCreateSupport.
Updated PaladinsFurnitureMod.
Updated Pehkui.
Updated PhilipsRuins.
Updated PolyMorph.
Updated Rechiseled.
Updated Rhino.
Updated SnowySpirit.
Updated SortedEnchantments.
Updated Spectrum.
Updated Supermartijn642CoreLib.
Updated Terrestria.
Updated VCInteraction.
Updated VideoTape.
Updated VoiceChat.
Updated Way2WayFabric.
Updated Waystones.
Updated XaerosMinimap.
Updated XaerosWorldmap.
SlayerTheChikken posted a changelog update for Tekxit 4 (Official) 9 months ago


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Latest Update

After working on it for an entire day, 12.0.0 has been released, lots of changes, happy merry day and things enjoy! (: I won't bother listing all the changes here, but there are quite a few, I hope everyone has a good day today c: