Install Terra Firma Rescue

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Terra Firma Rescue) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Terra Firma Rescue from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Terra Firma Rescue Version

created by YueSha on Minecraft 1.7.10



Mod Changes:
- N/A

Content Changes:
- Fixed Quartz Crucible not having a crafting recipe.
- Fixed CurseForge version missing BrandonsCore.

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Mod changes:
- Added FoamFix-1.7.10-beta2
- Upgraded gregtech_1.7.10-6.15.07-unofficial
- Upgraded Botania-TFR-2605
- Upgraded MoegAddon_1.7.10-1.15

Content changes:
- Added multi-block aquatic farm
- Added dozens of new metal scaffolds
- Added dozens of new metal builder's wands
- Added clay pattern for all GT ceramic products
- Added clay molds for all GT ceramic molds
- Added magic diamond can be obtained by diamond powder
- Added GT food can now be made through substance maker
- Added GT recipes now have separators for the numbers shown in the recipe
- Added potassium salt can now be processed in the crusher
- Added fertilizer can be converted through multiple fertilizers
- Added notification to update BetterQuesting quests
- Added Iridium-Platinum asteroids
- Removed botanic alchemy rotten flesh to leather recipe
- Removed the recipe of IC2 Ore Washer and Pulverizer
- Removed tucker bag recipes, as they cause server crash
- Updated TFC Chinese localization
- Updated the Chinese localization of TFC Udary Mod
- Updated the English of TFC Auto Bellow Add-on
- Changed the processing of limonite
- Optimized the quest line of Power Age
- Optimized bellow crafting
- Optimized combustion chamber crafting cost
- Fixed pitchblende ore can be made into crushed uranium ore
- Fixed potassium alkaline water and gray dye recipe conflict
- Fixed the consumption of tuyere for making glass
- Fixed the vanilla gold nuggets can not be obtained
- Fixed the upgrade frame in Gendustry can not be crafted
- Fixed some of the quests does not display the content
- Fixed the inability to craft red stone root
- Fixed the error of Chineseization of RC boiler
- Fixed the error of Chineseization of TFC smooth salt rock and dolomite
- Fixed the nutritional value of cheese as fruit
- Fixed the inability to craft boiler cart
- Fixed the conflict of cobble stone conversion

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Mod variations:
- Upgrade DraconicEvolution-1710-TFR-v2

Content changes:
- Fixed the problem that the GUI of the Dragon Research Mod does not have materials.

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Mod changes:
- Upgrade TFC0.80.10-TFR
- Upgrade gregtech6.15.05-unofficial
- Upgrade Botania2604-TFR
- Upgrade DraconicEvolution-1710-TFR-v1

Content Changes:
- Chaos Dragons Now Present on Dracona
- Increased density of chromite veins
- Increased generation probability of kaolinite and kimberlite veins.
- Increased probability of magma pool generation
- Reduced time for pit firing and charcoal firing.
- Slightly increased the rate at which all items heat up.
- Slightly reduced cooling rate of all items
- Reduced up-front electronic component fabrication costs
- Endless Ingot requires Heart of the Dragon synthesis
- Items such as gates cannot be recycled into ingots in railroad blast furnaces.
- Diamond Armor can now be synthesized
- Fixes potash water synthesis conflicts
- The primary platinum granule crusher has two different outputs
- Repair Expert mode can synthesize blue steel over Grey Anvil.
- Fixed for not being able to make wool yarn on the loom
- Repair of the soldering consumable programming circuit for the pot and hacksaw.
- Indicators for restoring lapis lazuli are platinum stones.
- Double-layer plastic ingot in MESU shell without synthetic formulation
- Fixed recipe error in Tara Crusher due to inability to synthesize live wood rods.
- Fixed English spelling problem in Blue Line UI
- Fixed TFC ingot stack duplication problem
- Fixed Malachite can't be processed in Greystone Crusher
- Fixed wrought iron drawing plate task unrecognized problem.

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Module variations
- Upgrade TFC0.80.08-TFR
- Upgrade gregtech6.15.03-unofficial
- Upgrade Botania2603-TFR
- Upgrade BetterLoadingScreen 1.5.0-TFR
- Upgrade MoegAddon 1.13

Content Changes:
- New loading UI and mainmenu UI
- Customized version of modern Blue Line UI available
- All minerals (graphite, kaolinite, cinnabar, etc.) have surface indicators now.
- Reduced hardness of TFC blocks of stone, wood, dirt, etc.
- The loots for loot bags just got a whole lot richer.
- Raising the level of the steel anvil to 5 means that the black anvil is no longer mandatory to make
- The cost of the TFC anvil changed to 8 ingots.
- Earth and Moon dimensions added - you can now officially win games in TFR!
- Post part of the questbook gets expansion and refinement
- Reduced cost of a normal mode boilers
- The white lens is now capable of making more machines.
- Yellow lens and orange lens oredict merge.
- Light green lens and green lens oredict merge.
- Crushed yellow sapphires, sapphires, rubies can be obtained from a number of common minerals.
- Fixed able to get TFC falling rocks from the chisel and cause a crash
- Large backpack reduces cost
- Changing the Dryer Pad recipe
- Fixed a couple of buggy Tips
- Changed the lathe recipe to cancel the need for the vanilla iron.
- Several tasks were added
- Unreasonable quest logics were changed
- Changing the Metal Bar recipe
- A few more rewards in the quests
- Entering the game by default will no longer get the OC and OB instructions

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hotfix for ingameinfo

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Quick fix

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Module changes:
- Upgrade MoegAddon-1.12

Content Changes:
- Reduce in-game message hover ratio, remove meaningless messages
- Modified the default size, which is now automatic
- Updating the sponsorship form's cloud-based website to quickly access sponsor information to display capes
- Added an update check to alert you when an integration package running below the latest version of the integration package is available
Module changes:
- Upgrading MoegAddon-1.11
- Added InGameInfoXML-1.7.10-
- Added LunatriusCore-1.7.10-
- Add NotEnoughItems-1.7.10-2.0.4-GTNH-universal
- Delete Neieasysearch
- Remove NotEnoughItems

Content Changes :
- Beautifully hover display of key information such as temperature, rainfall, date, block information, group range skills and more.
- Using the NEI created by the GTNH team, the search response is at least 5 times faster.
- Add a welcome text when you enter the game, including various ways to communicate, so newcomers won't be confused!
- In addition to the poncho you can get for sponsoring, you'll also get a sponsorship certificate upon entering the game for the first time to show how much we appreciate you!
- No strange text error when entering the game~!
Module changes:
- Update BetterLoadingScreen-1.4.1-TFR

Content Changes :
- Fix for Unable to Load Resources
Module changes:
- Upgrade TFC0.80.06-TFR
- Upgraded gregtech 6.14.07.
- Upgraded Botania-TFR-2602
- Update MoegAddon-1.10
- Add BetterLoadingScreen-1.4.00-TFR

Content Changes :
- Fix bugs that appeared in the previous version
- Add a better looking loading interface
- Adding tips to the loading screen
- Repair of oil purifier
- Add capes and in-game certificates for sponsored players
- Add quests about plant magic
Module changes:
- Upgrade TFC0.80.04-TFR
- Update gregtech 6.14.05
- Added Botania-TFR-2601.
- Add Baubles

Content Changes :
- Fix various bugs in TFC switching worlds
- Adds compatibility with Plant Magic and Lore of the Mountains
- The world is now generating magic flowers.
- The Crucible of Magic
- Forge of Magic
- Gaia's blood and damage is set to a group range rating
- multi-cube energy storage structure

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Both and packs are seriously buggy. If you have updated to the or client,

Find an archive backup of version (Typically, the upgrade integrator saves one automatically in the Saves folder),

Take out the original level.dat and session.lock and replace the two files you have saved now.

After that, you can update our upcoming release. Otherwise, ID mismatch will occur!!

Module changes:

Upgrade TFC0.80.03 - TFR

Content changes:

Fixed an item ID change in the previous version

Fixed a series of magic crashes caused by the last release

Fixed TFC anvil brush issue

The TFC sheet metal is now melted in the crucible to give half the original metal units

Fixed synthetic clay bricks that sometimes flash back

Fixed a problem where forging recipes disappear/fail to align when switching dimensions (server multi-world plug-in)

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Module changes:

Upgrade TFC0.79.37 - TFR

Upgrade AdvancedRockery2.0.0.02 - TFR

Upgrade gregtech6.14.04

Upgrade TFRTech0.3.1

Content change

Fixed some minor bugs

Repair paper fiber cannot be made in wooden barrels

Fixed an issue with advanced rocket decomposing to exit the server

Fixed TFC anvil brush issue

Fixed synthetic clay bricks that sometimes flash back

Fixed automatic blower module without English localization

Fixed ammonium chloride not localized

The TFC sheet metal is now melted in the crucible to give half the original metal units

Modified civilian steam engine synthesis

Glass is no longer available in bonfires

Add normal mode

New expert model

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Module changes:

Upgrade gregtech6.14.03

Content changes:

Fixed PUV1 emitter not compositing

Repair glass cannot be manufactured on thermoelectronic worktable

Repair nailed leather synthetic conflict

Add protocol content to the file

Modify the synthesis of some articles such as OB water storage tank elevator

Elevators and rotary elevators can now convert colors with chisels

Add iron ingots to unify the machines

Dual lithium conversion is allowed

Modification of quadruple fuel rod manufacturing

Increase the original composition of all saplings

Increase lotus leaf synthesis

Increase cactus synthesis

Change dragon egg composition

Fixed fusing some formula swallowing programming circuits

Dry paper powders now do not require potassium lye

Circuit board manufacturing price reduction

AE fluid stores some items that change composition

ME glass modified composition

Change the composition of the RC reservoir

Change part of circuit base plate composition

Change of advanced computer motherboard composition

Machine synthesis of modified gene industries

Machine synthesis of modified genetic engineering

Close the black hole destruction square

Increase biosynthesis of biological circuit boards

Increase bacteria and their ways of increasing biomass

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Module changes:

MoegAddon - 1.06 -

AdvancedRocktry - TFR

InventoryTweaks PFAA - 1.58

NotEnoughCharacters - 1.0 -


Betterquesting - 3.0.306

IC2NEIPluginVersion - 1.2.2

Questbook 2.1.1 -

StandardExpansion - 3.0.162

Content changes:

Fixed some tasks that could not be committed

Fixed GT large material manufacturing and large material replication and synthesis conflict

Repair space elevator cannot be built

Restoration can only be done with granite slabs

Repair tin plate cannot be heated

Fixed meaningless text messages starting the game

Fixed partial fluid abnormal display name

Change material copy to three-piece set of large machine main block synthesis

Modified main block composition for distillation column and cracking column

Change some tasks to accept more items

Change the iron and steel time of RC blast furnace

Change TFC charcoal and coal burning times

Change RC blast furnace synthesis

Change the startup interface and the main interface

Change the glass production

Reduce part of combustor cost

Reduce the cost of TFC blast furnace

Deleted producing steels by other recipes in RC Blast Furnace.

Add a lot of tasks

Add more task rewards

Add RC Rolling recipes for long rods, curved plates, foils, and small casings

Add new Main Menu and Opening Music

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Mod changes:
Content changes:
Fix serious formula problems
Fix serious module problems

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Mod changes:
Remove Optifine
Content changes:

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Mod changes:
Upgrade gregtech 6.14.00
TerraFirmaCraft-TFR 0.79.36-v2
AdvancedRocketry-TFR 2.0.0
Carpenter's Blocks-
The following modules of the international CF version have lower versions:

Content changes:
Completely modified the original platinum-based metal mineral treatment
Fixed a conflict between the synthesis of diamond boxes and crystal boxes
Fix AR projector synthesis
Repair anvil synthesis
Repair water storage tank can only be synthesized by oak
Change endless sets of composition
Change jetpack, power jetpack synthesis
Change the composition of most backpacks
Change enderbox composition
Change the synthesis of most original redstone related items
Change original track synthesis
Changed the anvil grade required to make GT parts, now only steel is needed
Change Compressed Box Synthesis
Changed the grass rope synthesis
Changed satellite construction machine, rocket assembly machine, navigation computer synthesis
Changed the smelting method of iron ore in RC blast furnace
Changed the generation of alien platinum mines
Decrease conveyor cost
Add Neutron Element Synthesis
Add P2P-RF synthesis
Add saltpeter to make ice
Add GT looms to make TGC looms
Add GT cutting machine to make wood
Add original wood and TFC log disordered synthesis conversion
Added TFC pyrolusite and crushed
Add reward bag system
Added original oak sapling, birch sapling, GT willow sapling, hazelnut sapling, rainbow sapling synthesis
Add water wells and seawater wells
Added five platinum minerals
Add TFC chromite to treat as crushed ore
Add AE2 and MO missions
Add microcircuit
Add monster side quest
Added several asteroids
Added Venus Star
Cancelled the guide rail synthesis except the GT roller press
Cancelled the hand-to-origin board
Cancelled the generation of all GT ores in the main world

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Fix task book bug
Fixed bug where Qunluan wrought iron products were placed in the general iron mineral dictionary

Mod changes:
Upgrade gregtech 6.13.07
Upgrade MoegAddon-TFR 1.03
Upgrade TerraFirmaCraft-TFR 0.79.36
Add to

Content changes:
Added a high-temperature mixer to replace the original lightning processor in photoresist manufacturing and the mixer in epoxy resin manufacturing
Added treatment formula for lunar soil and iron oxide sand
Added some fusion recipes
Added some original crop synthesis
Added the formula of synthetic liquefaction furnace with iridium crucible
Changed the melting point and specific heat capacity of some materials in Qunluan forging, allowing welding of plates
Changed the production of 20nm wafers, now radon is needed
Changed the synthesis of some advanced machines, now requires a host
Changed the synthesis of superconducting wires
Changed the formula of the reactor core of Dragon Reactor
Changed the recipe of most AE items
Changed glass manufacturing
Changed the synthesis of Endless Catalyst
Changed the basic, low-level, and advanced Gray board synthesis
Changed the composition of the door
Changed the output of RC stone crusher to make small ore
Changed the synthesis of nuclear reactors
Changed the synthesis of IC mining machine and advanced mining machine
Changed the synthesis of the IC conveyor
Changed doped wafer synthesis
Changed the composition of Godson
Changed the synthesis of space suits
Changed the density of ore formation in alien veins
Changed the composition in the Iron Box mod
Changed the synthesis of arc blast furnace
Added the synthesis of infinite water (T1-T8)
Added grinding of borax
Added the synthesis of chaotic fragments in the fusion reactor
Add cutting machine to make ceramic plate
Added the synthesis of Molten Ender Pearl
Added gray leather manufacturing
Fixed an issue where Qunluan tool and Gray tool could not be used universally
Fix the problem of nano manufacturing stuck technology
Fixed the issue of excessive energy consumption when polysilicon was broken
Fixed an issue where some triple plates could not be welded
Canceled the newly added synthesis of titanium
Canceled the generation of plutonium mines
Canceled unlimited water
Canceled the OmniOcular profile of the crucible
Canceled the synthesis of tantalum casting basin

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Posted (serious problems, please update)

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Mod changes:
Upgrade gregtech6.13.06
Add HardcoreDarkness
Add MoegAddon
Add Carpenter’s Craft
Add NBTEdit

Content changes:
Added lithography machine (multi-block)
Added fluid curing device (single box)
16 new CPUs and 16 clock RAMs have been added, which are classified as 7-level CPUs and 7-level RAMs.
CPU: 512MHz, 1GHz, 2GHz, 4GHz, 8GHz, 16GHz, 32GHz
RAM: 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G, 4G, 6G, 8G, 16G
Add the same level of CPU and RAM (can be mixed) can be made as the host of this level, divided into 7 levels: low level, basic, advanced, advanced, elite, ultimate, ultimate
Added 4 mainframes of the same level can be made as giant components, divided into 7 levels.
Add some fluids, including epoxy resin, photoresist, polyvinyl chloride, etc.
Newly added epoxy resin, photoresist, polyvinyl chloride, and the synthesis of raw materials
Added synthesis of phosphoric acid
Added industrial synthesis of rubber paste
Added a synthesis for making AE controller
New Platinum Star
Added industrial synthesis of Nether Star
A lot of new TFC items and original items are disorderly synthesized conversion
Added radon produced from asphalt uranium
Added centrifugal soil centrifugal to produce end air
Changed the amount of salt rock crushing
Changed the synthesis of a large number of AE items
Changed papermaking, now it is more real
Changed the method of making glass, now it becomes more real
Changed the synthesis of nuclear fusion host Mk1
Changed the composition of the particle collider host
Changed the manufacturing methods of advanced, high-tech, and ultimate circuit boards
Change the composition of the circuit board (platinum)
Changed the synthesis of the crystal circuit
Changed the synthesis of five quad-core crystal processors
Many aspects of the recipe have been changed, and a balanced adjustment has been made for the new version of the electronics industry.
Changed the method of making rocket fuel
Changed the synthesis of graphene
Changed the synthesis of the heat absorption device
Changed the cost of rocket assembly machine and navigation computer
Changed the production of aluminum fluoride, and now directly output molten aluminum fluoride
Changed the synthesis of AR motors
Fixed the large ionizer cannot be synthesized

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Content changes:
Fix the problem that the task book is not displayed

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Mod changes:

Content changes:
Fix main interface illustration (official version)
The first release

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Latest Update

Terra Firma Rescue was updated to version