Install Terralization 1.7.10

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Terralization 1.7.10) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Terralization 1.7.10 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Terralization 1.7.10 Version 2.10.2

created by maggi373 on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Terralization 1.7.10 updated to version 2.3.0a

+ Better Invalid Session
+ BetterFPS

+ Nuclearcontrol
+ Nuclearcraft
+ Pneumaticcraft
+ Opencomputers
+ Openmodslib
+ Modularpowersuit
+ Extraplanets
+ Mekanism

+ Extracells2 to Extracells2 Patched

Downgraded because of twitch
- Industrialcraft
- Ender Storage
- Redstone Arsenal
- Magical Crops
- Practicalities

Mods twitch launcher forced us to remove
- WR-CBE because of the version on there is buggy
- Titanstorms, its doin an comeback

- Advanced Generators
- Better foilage
- bspkrs core
- Buildcraft Additions
- Magic bees
- Pressure Pipes
- StartingInventory
- Translocator
- Treecapitor
- Dynamic Trees

+ Made new menu with new art and buttons
+ Fixed a rendering bug
+ Fixed an crash bug
+ Fistrap nolonger spawn high value items
+ Fixed other bugs
+ Made mekanism windmills one tier more expensive, decreasing their energy output will only lagg the server
+ Fixed that sheep, bats, horses and squids not dropping food
+ Removed Japanese maple bush ability to spread
+ Simplified Server names
+ Removed replicators (mob)
+ Made flux capacitors more energy expensive
+ Removed Alternative crafting recipes for the normal torch and added them for the realistic torch
+ Fixed discord buttion on main menu
maggi373 posted a changelog update for Terralization 1.7.10 4 years ago


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Latest Update

Terralization 1.7.10 was updated to version 2.9.2a