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I have 4 gb ram, technic wont allow me to use the 4 , only 3.5, theres any way that i can play this pack with only 4 gb?? also i dont have 5gb :ccc
Unfortunately you can't allocate all of your system RAM to the game, in this case you might want to check out The 1.7.10 Pack instead!
The 1.70.10 Pac is a lot more beefy to run I can't even run that only this one but please enlighten me as to how we slay this LAGGY MISAKI XD
why was flan's excluded from this mod when it was included in the 1.7.10 pack
Unfortunately it was too demanding in 1.12.2, with loading times & RAM.
Howdy yall, I'm setting up a personal modpack for my friends and I. I want to know what mod is used to make The 1.12.2 Packs custom main menu. If anyone can help.
Is there a mod to increase health (i can remember a mod with yellow extra hearts)
That was a feature from older versions of Tinker's Construct/Mantle. They seem to have removed the Heart Canisters in newer versions though :(
Guys, i'm trying to resurrect my server. it's been about a year since it was last up. I went through the normal process of downloading a fresh server, copying additional mods/world over, and it won't startup. It will startup without the world folder... but i really want the world =) Where can i post logs and such to get assistance?
sorry for spam, going to head over here
Me and 4 other friends are connected to Hamachi to play via LAN. Everyone is loading in fine, but when I connect, it lags and won't let me move or interact with the world. My FPS, ping, and connection are all great. I don't know much about this stuff but I think the issue is in the technic launcher console. It spams this log every time I try logging in.
how did you get this modpack to download correctly ? cause i cant get mine to work
Through the Technic Launcher :)
this is the best modcpack in my opinion, but i have a question.
in this modpack I'm missing someone who has in modpack 1.7.10, a hardocore quest book mod challenge book, those challenges stimulated me to play the modpack, they gave me a goal.
having said that I have a doubt, is there something like this in this modpack? I honestly didn't find a challenge book like the old modpack
Currently there is no quest book in The 1.12.2 Pack :)
Does anyone know if there are any doors and chests that can be locked from others using, please?
You can join our Discord server for questions like these :)
Thank you for this nice compilation
Have a question about biomes. I startet few instances and searched for an desert type biome. Without success. Then i noticed that deserts are not present in the biomes o Plenty biome_ids.json
Are they still generated or only the biomes in the config file?
PS: I know that i can edit the numbers in this config, higher number = more of this biometype
I like this pack. But overall there are too many muddy cold biomes (and too much water too, but i never found a way to reduce it)
In the misc.cfg, this command: "(B:"Default to BoP World Type"=true)" was set to false on my clean mod installation. Shouldn't this true by default?
You can use Nature's Compass to locate biomes :)
Hi there!! I was wondering if there was any troubleshooting available for LAN? My brother and I are resorting to running a server, but just wanted to check in and see if there was any way to get LAN started! Tysm!
You can try and see, although usually it's recommended to use the server package :)
I have posted for help in github and no reply so I'm posting here. I think the iron plate recipe for thaumcraft is disabled and I want to reenable it so how can I go about doing this. I am playing on a multiplayer server and am op and can access configs and so on. Also playing the 1.3.3 version of the pack. The iron plate for thaumcraft shows up in my thauminomicon but not my jei on the right side.
I cannot find your issue on the GitHub issue tracker. Please open it over
idk if i needed to make a help ticket for this but i think there is a graphical bug with bibliocraft causing all the biblocraft items to pivot and flip facing the opposite way i placed them is there a fix for this?
Unfortunately BiblioCraft is not in active development.
Is my end bugged? My end is literally default end with the liquid end ore and purple glowstone and nothing else? I see plenty of end ores in JEI/NEI but theres nothing to be found in the end
Hi, please go to the "Help" section to get support, but there is not supposed to be end ore generating or in JEI.
maven 3.5.3 cannot download, how i resolve this?
It should work, please try again.
Hello all, what are some ways to get my power system wireless? My usual mods I do that with just happen to not be in this pack.(not a complaint im sure there are other option i just dont know which is why im asking.)
You can use the Quantum Entangloporter from Mekanism or the Dimensional Transceiver from Ender IO :)
it says it
offline and won't let me download it? what should I do about this any tips would be helpful
It should work, can you try again?
is there a place to install all the mods at once but not use the technic launcher
Dude there are so many mods that when i load it it takes like so long to load :)
they literally tell you it has over 200 mods bruh
Anyone else having issues when trying to create a server? I cant get my friends to join. I have port forwarded it and done as normal when creating an MC server
Just an addition to the above, I can get a vanilla 1.12.2 server working fine through Hamachi, but cannot get the modpack server working. Is there anything else specific to this that I need to do?
Hi, please go to the "Help" section to get help, or head over to the modpack's Discord :)