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How do you enable the morph mod so abilities can work?
They are enabled by default in latest versions, apart from flying, which can be enabled in the mod's configuration file.
Is there a veinminer type mod in this pack?
how many dimensions are actuall in this modpack? so far i discovered only the twilight forest
Had a major crash and it somehow even cleared my launcher. Reinstalled 1.12.2 and it crashes on loading. ICBM issue and the link doesn't work to get the code.
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Would adding the tinkers leveling mod manually cause any problems if I join a server that doesn't have it?
It probably just wouldn't work on the server.
Could decocraft be added to the 1.12.2 pack?
Due to performance & RAM limitations, Decocraft would probably not be added, but feel free to add it yourself manually!
I don’t see random loot bags in the mod list, I would love to see that on here!!
Anyone have a good setup for a self sustaining Mekanism Fusion Reactor. Been continually running into some problems with either one or the Deutritium or Tritium running out.
Is there a reason why Tinker's Clevers don't attack multiple mobs at once? A vanilla sword can hit multiple mobs with one attack if the attack meter is filled up, but the clever does not.
You should replace Morph with Morpheus because it works the same but abilities work!
Morph's abilities work from version 1.2.0 and above.
anyone know how to get another functional akashic tome?
It can be crafted.
Was wondering if someone can help me with a crash report. My game crashes it seems when i am in A Purple Forest. I added some mods but it says in the crash report the issue is biomes o plenty. I dont even know how to read it so can someone help me and let me know what to do? Thank you! Heres the crash report!:
Description: Exception ticking world
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.updateTimeLightAndEntities(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.tick(
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.tick(
at Source)
Same here since yesterday i do get this report also with Biomes o Plenty..
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Add Immersive engineering if you can! and some form of nuclear power generation (big reactors or nuclear craft), again if you can. Other than that, this is the perfect modpack!
The port of the 1.7.10 version of Big Reactors is in this modpack.
It was renamed Extreme Reactors.
ICBM-Classic crashed game ( cose Nuclear tnt ), and Posibility add Astral sorcery? immersive engineering? and Mega loot ?
would love to see some sort of questing mode like the 1.7.10 pack
I would like to submit a small mod-request (please excuse me if this is the wrong place for it).
The modpack contains the Chisel & Bit mod, which im using a lot. But sometimes im missing some features. Fortunately there is a mod that enhances the Bit functionality.
The mods name is "Extra Bit Manipulation" from Phylogeny (found on Curseforge).
It would be great having this addon on the 1.12.2 Server with future updates.
Is anyone else's games freezing up when using Mystcraft, even on single player.
Так на проекте можно поиграть ,когда есть лицензионный майнкрафт?
Hey! Will Pneumaticcraft be updated to the latest supported version? I believe it's version 1.6.4
Hi, we're already running the latest version of PneumaticCraft: Repressurized for Minecraft 1.12.2.
Oh, i read that they had/were planning to remove the colored plastics but maybe that is for another version of minecraft. Thank you for the reply!
Is there an official forum somewhere? The link on the Modpack website has a link, but it's broken.
Hi, currently most discussions are over the modpack's Discord :)