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What is the public server ip? In my game it does not show up.
can you please add extra utilities?
It's something I will work on for the next update
Hello, I can't seem to actually play the game, It opens up the instance of minecraft displays the FML with the amount of RAM dedicated to it (3gb) and when it hits ~75% done loading it seems to crash, any advice?
It only appears to happen right when I hit the RFTools, any idea why???
Can I have your crash log
That is what my console says from launch til crash sir
Can you send it over discord or something? It was such a mess in the comment box. Thanks
If AE2 comes out for 1.11.2 would you be able to implement it?
18+, Have Discord with a mic? Come and join up with the EnderChicken crew! We are a close knit community that are accepted a few more members :)
Go here for sign up!
You are interviewing people to play with?
Yes, buddy. Nothing extreme. Just making sure people would be a good fit for our crew.
Can you add Mystcraft in? When my buddy and I used to play Technic, they did some kind of update and got rid of it as well as IC2 in one of the official packs. :c
mystcraft was fun but super laggy. there is a mod in the pack that does the same sort of thing.
I've just pushed the v4.2 update out and your request came in a bit late. I'll have a play around with it and see about adding it in v4.3.
SO Had two issues doing the update from last version to this version on the server side. Had to delete the MODS folder and and Config folder just to start the server up....After that I had to issue a /fml confirm before the server would finish starting. A lot of people may have already known to do this but for those that do not...Here ya go!
Thank you for fixing the Recipe Lookup tool that was very frustrating.
The pack will not launch for me, I originally installed Technic launcher on D:\ drive but have completely uninstalled it and set it to recommended install location in %appdata%. I then went to install you pack again but found more pain and suffering from it doing the exact same thing as before, it installs fine, I go to launch it, it loads the files, gets ready to launch and then the technic launcher window closes and a new instance of itself opens again. Any suggestions what to do?
it could be a memory issue. How much have you given to the launcher.
I gave the maximum, 1gb
Although I have 16gb installed in my system
Hey!! I managed to fix it, turns out I was running a 32-bit version of Java, I download the 64bit version and Bob's your uncle! I was able to select all the way up to 15gb of ram (I chose 10gb).
Glad you managed to fix it :D
Do you know when you plan on including the latest alpha update for buildcraft? I'd really like to have it because they fixed the kinesis pipes and the filler.
I'm now working on v4.2, ill update buildcraft then :D
I am going to be hosting a small server. Please join to be whitelisted.
I don't believe this is the place to be advertising.
It is the perfect place to find others who love this pack and need a server.
Please Add Galacticraft, It is updated to 1.11.2.
It's coming in v4.2
Is that going to relace the advanced rocketry? Because Advanced Rocketry is ridiculously confusing lol. We are figuring it out but noe of the YouTube or wikis are updated to its newest edition and its so much different than the older.
Yes, advanced rocketry is no longer in the pack.
Finally something good that's like tekkit! Thank you for creating this pack ST ;)
But where do I find servers? :)
Thanks! If you load-up the game there is a public server in your server list.
This is really a nice modpack and lots of fun mods. He is better than the original. keep it up :)
Thanks :D
Is it possible that you could add railcraft
I have a looked at it, but it hasn't yet updated to 1.11.2
The same problem occurs.
Installing the modpack goes well, but when we hit play it crashes around this point:
You haven't given enough memory to the game. Got to the setting on the launcher and add it. If you can't you need to download the 64bit java, if you have a 64bit pc that is.
Thanks! That fixed it
Me and my friend are having trouble completing the initialization of the modpack.
At some point the launcher stops responding causing us to return to the technic launcher and having us initialize everything all over again
Remove the pack and then readd it. f
i cant get my sever to work on this modpack
What is your issue?
Any chance of adding Galacticraft? The wiki says it's been updated for 1.11.2.
Yeah sure. I was something I was looking at adding in v4.3 but as you have asked for it, I'll push it up to v4.2
Awesome! My son is going to love to hear that! Thank you!
So I updated to the 4.1.2 version. the server I play on is still 4.2. is there anyway I can revert to the previous version?
I pulled the 4.2 update as it was found to have a number of big issues, so I strongly recommend that you switch the server you're playing on over 4.1.2 until I fix the 4.2 updated. Although if you do really want to play on 4.2 you can download it here: Need any help installing it then just ask.
it's could be good to put chisel mod to make more decoration and not Chisels & Bits
Yeah sure. I'll add it into v4.2