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Could you possibly put Tinkers and Pams Harvest in that pack?
Yeah sure ill take a look into it for you!
Also is it possible to get thermal expansion and minefactory reloaded added in, Its a major part for me.
Also if its possible Ender IO Is a mod that is used in quite alot of tekkit packs.
This packet is more just for the mods that were in Tekkit. But I am working on a second pack that will be coming out soon. Ill add those mods into it for you. The second pack will still have all the mods from this one. Hope this helps
Is it possible to get a block that converts RF To IC2 And Vice Versa? Its really annoying having a massive nuclear reactor that can only power 15% Of my stuff.
Not sure ill have a look into it for you
Try the power converters mod.
I think the power converters mod is in the pack
The server files are now up for download!