The Mad Hatters - 1.12.2 updated to version 1
Basic pack finished
+Ae2 stuff
+Applied Energistics
+Aroma1998 Dimensional world
+Attribute Fix
+ Baubles
+ BDlib
+ BiomesOPlenty
+ Blood Magic
+ Botania
+ Chisel
+ CodeChickenLib
+ CoFHWorld
+ CoFHCore
+ Cucumber
+ Custom Mod Spawner
+ DiscordRP
+ DrZharks MoCreatures
+ Dynamic Lights
+ EnderStorage
+ Extra cells
+ ExtreemReactors
+ FastLeafDecay
+ Forgelin
+ Hwyla
+ IndustrialForgoing
+ IndustrialMeat
+ IntergrationForegoing
+ Inventory Tweaks
+ Iron CHest
+ JAOPCA Agriculture
+ JEI Integration
+ Journey Map
+ Just Enough energistics
+ Just Enough Resources
+ Mantle
+ Mekanism
+ Mekanism Generators
+ Mekanism Tools
+ Moar Tinkers
+ More Overlays
+ Morpheus
+ Mystical Agradditions
+ Mystical Agriculture
+ Netherending Ores
+ Open Blocks
+ Open Computers
+ Open Mods Lib
+ Optifine
+ Overloaded Armour Bar
+ Pam's Harvestcraft
+ Railcraft
+ Reauth
+ Redstone Flux
+ RoguelikeDungeons
+ Tinkers Construct
+ Tesla Core
+ Thaumcraft
+ Thaumic Jei
+ Thermal Cultivation
+ Thermal Dynamics
+ Thermal Foundations
+ Thermal Expansion
+ Thermal Innovation
+ Tinkers Complement
+ Tinkers JEI
+ Twilight Forest
+ Uni Dict
+ Waila harvestability
+ Wanion Lib
+ Wrap Up
+ Zerocore
+Ae2 stuff
+Applied Energistics
+Aroma1998 Dimensional world
+Attribute Fix
+ Baubles
+ BDlib
+ BiomesOPlenty
+ Blood Magic
+ Botania
+ Chisel
+ CodeChickenLib
+ CoFHWorld
+ CoFHCore
+ Cucumber
+ Custom Mod Spawner
+ DiscordRP
+ DrZharks MoCreatures
+ Dynamic Lights
+ EnderStorage
+ Extra cells
+ ExtreemReactors
+ FastLeafDecay
+ Forgelin
+ Hwyla
+ IndustrialForgoing
+ IndustrialMeat
+ IntergrationForegoing
+ Inventory Tweaks
+ Iron CHest
+ JAOPCA Agriculture
+ JEI Integration
+ Journey Map
+ Just Enough energistics
+ Just Enough Resources
+ Mantle
+ Mekanism
+ Mekanism Generators
+ Mekanism Tools
+ Moar Tinkers
+ More Overlays
+ Morpheus
+ Mystical Agradditions
+ Mystical Agriculture
+ Netherending Ores
+ Open Blocks
+ Open Computers
+ Open Mods Lib
+ Optifine
+ Overloaded Armour Bar
+ Pam's Harvestcraft
+ Railcraft
+ Reauth
+ Redstone Flux
+ RoguelikeDungeons
+ Tinkers Construct
+ Tesla Core
+ Thaumcraft
+ Thaumic Jei
+ Thermal Cultivation
+ Thermal Dynamics
+ Thermal Foundations
+ Thermal Expansion
+ Thermal Innovation
+ Tinkers Complement
+ Tinkers JEI
+ Twilight Forest
+ Uni Dict
+ Waila harvestability
+ Wanion Lib
+ Wrap Up
+ Zerocore