Install Andor: Reborn

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Andor: Reborn) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Andor: Reborn from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Andor: Reborn Version 1.3.6

created by anomaly47 on Minecraft 1.7.10
This modpack is hidden and will not show up in the modpack index.
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How do you join the discord for this modpack? And is the server coming back up?
Rico.Peav 5 years ago
What's the name of the Discord server?
Toroka 5 years ago
is there a server or not?
ariuks 6 years ago
There is a server already to the modpack. unfortunately, it is offline for maintenance as is down until any bugs are fixed. if you want any updates i'm sure they will be posted on the modpack discord.
Posted by arianabw 6 years ago
IGN 10/10 Would go fountain fishing at the Red City again
Dawn_Alliance 6 years ago
Is Andor 2.0 out yet? Cause i have no idea where it is..
YourPalClover 6 years ago
I like playing in single player but the plain vanilla villagers are really ruining my gameplay. I've tried add MCA to this modpack but for some reason I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried the latest MCA for version 1.7.10 but it doesn't work so if anyone knows which version I should download that would be wonderful!
Sammei 7 years ago
Whenever i join, it lags so much that i can't even play it at all. What do i do?
DeltaAura 7 years ago
Follow the guides on our website to increase your RAM. (
Posted by anomaly47 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Also I have some modpack suggestions about mod I would like to seen being added. 1. Tinkers' construct, I believe that this is a modpack that basicly fits every modpack and is something you shouldn't midd. 2. Magical crops, since the modpack is mainly about magic and mystery things I think that this mod fits perfectly. 3. Also to attract a little bit more players maybe add 1 or 2 technic mods like Applied Energistics, Or something like that.
jelleboy456 7 years ago
Hey Jelle, we have a forum you can post suggestions to.
Posted by anomaly47 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
This is a truly amazing server! It is about exploration and Role-Playing, adult atmosphere. It has a respectful community as well as friendly respectful staff and owners. If you are looking for a server that is not the run of the mill type, one that doesn't take everyone and one that is about quality instead of quantity than this is the one. Please however note: There is a lot to learn and explore, help keep the wold beautiful and you will have a lot more fun! 10/10 stars A+ .
LordNavarre 7 years ago
Even though I got perm ban from the server I would still rate this mod pack an 8.5 out of 10
HawkVenom 7 years ago
HawkVenom 7 years ago
Posted by HawkVenom 7 years ago
Best modpacks ive ever played, server community is best, its best all around!
paulobig 7 years ago
Thanks Paulo :)
Posted by anomaly47 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hmm.. I sure do wonder where this name came from. The Trakands would be displeased.
srecneps 7 years ago
Please consider these suggestions: 1. Tinkers Construct: I think this mod adds more rpg element to the modpack and server. It reminds me of how you can create your own tools and become a smith in many rpg games. Because the modpack does not have huge quarries, it not as easy as other modpacks to progress through TC. 2. Blood Magic: It adds more magic that is different from Thaumcraft and Witchery. It is not overpowered and has natural progression. No cursed earth + Well of Suffering combo.
Quiin_Tenebris 7 years ago
there are 3 mods i would love to see in this modpack 1.am2 2.Decocraf .3Moreplayermodles its just a segestion so you dont have to do it but i would love to see them in this mod pack also it would make it more fun!
GlowstoneCraftYT 7 years ago
can you add moreplayermodels??
xTsukiMoon 7 years ago
Do you Love Towny? Do you Love Survival Minecraft? Have you always wanted to try or already play Modded Minecraft? If you answered yes to ANY of these questions then you have to come check out Andor! Yes, they have Towny, but you won't be limitlessly funding a town from now to eternity - you will need to city plan and be an active Mayor. However, you get to have a town on an AWESOME server with second to none protections - nearly all modded blocks have been added to Towny which means each mayor has complete control over his/her domain in a modded server! Do you like Survival and Adventure? Then Chocolate Quests, Dungeons, and Server Quests will keep you busy. In a world where all players walk, run, ride horses or boat wherever they go - adventuring takes talent! Enough Mods to keep it interesting but not too many to overwhelm ... in fact, I have decided to cross over to the dark side and try my hand at Thaumcraft! Yep magic (with protections) and Immersive Engineering for you techs ... It's a REALLY cool combination! Check out their website And come join a tight-knit community of active Minecrafters managed by a fair staff that has a plan. Yep, that too ... this staff knows what they are aiming for in final server goals and is not afraid to slow down, take a breath and do it right! Seriously, are you coming? Come check out The Realm of Andor
Kalleigh6694 7 years ago
When i launch the modpack it just gives me a black screen adn closes its self
Slavock 7 years ago
It does the same thing to me :( , and I was looking forward to playing the pack
Posted by QueenTiffany 7 years ago
You should make sure that your technic launcher is set to 2 or 2,5 GB use. You can do this add the top right in the launcher where it says ... options ;)
Posted by jelleboy456 7 years ago
just looking at the overview i wanted to install it good job
skittlinator6000 7 years ago
a very beautiful custom server. however I find an issue that there is no /spawn command, as far as I have seen? and it would be nice if there was a way to get a custom seed for those in singleplayer. The server and it's people are nice but you have to travel very far and long to find new things, or chests that haven't been raided which, while the scenery's are very beautiful, makes adventuring frustrating if there is nothing to find. and you have to make sure to set home as you travel because there is no /back command --- make sure not to set home in snow biomes as you will lose items upon death and if there is no trees around + no spawn command, you may need to grab the assistance of another so that they can tp you. and as far as I've seen, you can set home, but there is also no /home command. A server with great potential --- if it can be just a bit more helpful with commands.
LadyLoveIy 7 years ago
LadyLovely, thanks for the feedback. We seriously considered whether we wanted to add warping or not to Andor, and intentionally chose not to. I know that can seem frustrating for some but that is part of the vision of Andor, which is making travel more realistic. We know Andor isn't for everyone. As far as making adventuring more rewarding, we hear you. It's never fun to travel far and find something interesting just to see it has been raided. We're working on making some big changes to that by adding a lot more questing content and random encounters with NPC's which give you things when you find them, making the world a bit more rewarding for all players.
Posted by anomaly47 7 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

Andor: Reborn was updated to version 1.3.6