The Second Server: LOTR updated to version 36.15 - 1.99
+ Legendary Item
+ MB Battlegear2 Bullseye
+ banetooltips
+ controlling
+ cooking book
+ Harvest
+ LOTR Pouch Viewer
+ Lunatris Core
+ MineTweaker Recipe Maker
+ MmmMmmMmmMmm
+ Mouse Tweaks
+ Not Enough IDs
+ signpost
+ Stackie
+ Xaero's Minimap Fairplay Edition
- Cheese Mod
- Default Keys
- Discord RPC
- Dragon Mounts
- Love Mod
= Armourer's Workshop
= Better Questing
= Carpenter's Blocks
= CodeChickenCore
= Cosmetic Armor Reworked
= CraftTweaker
= CustomNPCs
= Fastcraft
= NPC Integration
= OAuth
= Standard Expansion
= Waila
+ MB Battlegear2 Bullseye
+ banetooltips
+ controlling
+ cooking book
+ Harvest
+ LOTR Pouch Viewer
+ Lunatris Core
+ MineTweaker Recipe Maker
+ MmmMmmMmmMmm
+ Mouse Tweaks
+ Not Enough IDs
+ signpost
+ Stackie
+ Xaero's Minimap Fairplay Edition
- Cheese Mod
- Default Keys
- Discord RPC
- Dragon Mounts
- Love Mod
= Armourer's Workshop
= Better Questing
= Carpenter's Blocks
= CodeChickenCore
= Cosmetic Armor Reworked
= CraftTweaker
= CustomNPCs
= Fastcraft
= NPC Integration
= OAuth
= Standard Expansion
= Waila