-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=35
I recommend running this pack with these Java Arguments for better performance:
TheClassicsWithEverything was updated to version 1.13 3 years ago
*Added some mods to improve performance.
TheClassicsWithEverything was updated to version 1.12 3 years ago
-Added a bunch of magic mods. See changelod for details.
forge-1.12.2- (fixed a crash/freeze)
TheClassicsWithEverything was updated to version 1.11 3 years ago
Many mods have been updated. For more details see the changelog.
TheClassicsWithEverything was updated to version 1.10 3 years ago
*Added: aether_legacy, oxygen-trade, oxygen-core, oxygen-exchange, oxygen-friends-list, oxygen-groups, oxygen-interaction, oxygen-mail, oxygen-menu, oxygen-players-list
*Updated: randompatches-1.12.2-, DynamicSurroundingsHuds-1.12.2-, DynamicSurroundings-1.12.2-, OreLib-1.12.2-, HammerCore-1.12.2-, AbyssalCraft-1.12.2-1.9.15
TheClassicsWithEverything was updated to version 1.9 4 years ago
*The download link for the pack is no longer suspended. I'm still looking for somewhere other than dropbox to host, but I only have a crappy hotspot internet right now, so it might take a while.
*It seems like DropBox suspended the link for this pack because it was generating too much traffic :/
I'll look into somewhere else to host a download for this pack... If you have recommendations, post them in the discuss tab on the technicpack site.
*Server Pack is up to date and ready! Have fun!
*Seems like the pack itself is up now and ready to download. Server pack will still take a while.
*If you find any bugs or issues please report them in the discuss tab on the technic website. I´ll see what i can do about them.
Well now, you can rely entirely on your own body thanks to the Monk Mod! Mine any ores with your fist! Deal extra dammage to mobs, make your body naturally armored and even achieve flight!
Update Sneak peak: Do you hate having to use external tools? Maybe you hate the fact that they can break or be lost...
*It might take a moment for the update to be available. My upload speed isn´t that fast...
*Make sure to bump up your allocated RAM to at least 8GB!
*Updated all mods that needed updating.
*To see which mods were added check the changelog!