- This Modpack is a WIP and will continue to change throughout its lifetime, including adding and removing mods based on development and community feedback. The mods in this pack as well as a brief description are listed below but there will be no spoilers for the dimensional mods. (NOTE: not all mods are listed such as game performance mods but important gameplay mods are)
- Mods -
- -Abundance - a few new items as well as beauitful lavender biomes
- -Aquaculture - Adds new fish types to the game
- -Atum - Adds a new dimension
- -AwesomeDungeon - New Overworld structures
- -BackTools - Puts last used weapon on your back for RPG feel
- -BattleTowers - Adds rare boss battle towers in overworld
- -BayouBlues - Adds a beautiful swamp like Biome
- -BetterDungeons - Revamps vanilla mob spawner dungeons
- -BetterMineshafts - Overhauls Mineshaft generation
- -BetterFPS - Better, well... FPS
- -BlueSkies - New Dimension
- -Bountiful - Adds a bounty board that spawns in the Overworld
- -Bygonenether - Adds more Nether variety
- -Carryon - Allows the player to physically carry items and entities
- -Castleinthesky - Adds a new structure to the overworld
- -CavesNCliffs - Adds the caves n cliffs update from newer MC
- -ComputerCraft - Adds computers to the game for programmers
- -Controllable - Adds Xbox controller support to the game
- -DarkCaverns - New Dimension
- -DecorativeBlocks - Self explanitory
- -Decoration - Decoration lol
- -DungeonsArise - Adds a TON of new dungeons and overworld structures to explore
- -DungeonCrawl - Adds new dungeons to the overworld
- -DynamicSurroundings - Adds nice Audio/Visual Ambience
- -FallingTree - No more pesky tree cutting (you're welcome Gabe)
- -FallingLeaves - Ambient falling leaves from trees
- -FarmersDelight- More extensive foods and recipies added
- -Fishtraps - Adds 'Fish traps' that fish for you
- -GoblinTraders - Adds underground goblins to trade with
- -Gravestone - Creates a gravestone with players items on death
- -HelpWanted - Easier Village making
- -HalsExploration - New Dimension
- -IronChests - Adds more storage options
- -Jade - Item descriptions when looked at
- -JustEnoughItems - Item descriptions when in inventory menu
- -Mcaw'sBridges - Adds bridges
- -Mcaw'sdoors - Adds more doors
- -Mcaw'sfences - Adds more fences
- -Mcaw'sfurniture - Adds furniture
- -Mcaw'slights - Adds more lighting
- -Mcaw'spaintings - Adds more paintings
- -Mcaw'sroofs - Adds actual roofing to the game
- -Mcawstrapdoors - Adds more trap doors
- -Mcaw'swindows - Adds actual windows
- -MiningHelmet - No more torches in caves!
- -MoreUndergroundStructures - Adds... well you know
- -MoreVillagers - Adds new villager jobs and trades
- -NaturesCompass - Locate Biomes with this compass
- -NethersDelight - Addition for FarmersDelight mod
- -NewMountains - New mountain boimes
- -Optifine - Adds use of shaders and render optimization
- -PassiveShields - Shields no longer take up half the screen when not being used
- -Reap - Better crop harvesting
- -SavageandRavage - New Illager overhaul (creepers too)
- -Smallships - New boat type and varients
- -Snow!RealMagic! - Enhances Snow effects
- -SophisticatedBackpacks - Inventory expansion
- -SpaceBossTools - Galacticraft for newer MC
- -Stables - Adds structure to the overworld
- -StorageDrawers - More storage options
- -Supplementaries - More Furniture/Building Blocks
- -Tardis Mod - Allows for easier dimensional travel (not required)
- -TerraForged - World generation (optional when creating world)
- -TimelessandClassics - Guns
- -TinkersConstruct - Everyone knows this one
- -TheAfterlight - New Dimension
- -TheAbyss - New Dimension
- -TheAbyss 2 - 0_o
- -torohealth - Adds Healthbars to entities
- -Towersofthewild - Adds towers.. in the wild
- -Trashcans - Adds a way to dispose of blocks/items
- -TravelersTitles - Adds RPG style titles when entering new dimension/biome
- -Tropicraft - Adds new dimension plus a few overworld things
- -TradingPost - Trade with entire village using one trading block
- -TwilightForest - New Dimension
- -ValhelsiaStructures - Adds beautiful structures to overworld
- -Quark - Vanilla Enhancement
- -WallJump - Adds new player movement variation such as wall jumping
- To be continued...