Version 1.72
-added the beneath, grue
-added iridium ore, which generates only in the beneath
-changed recipe for tier 3 rocket nose(needs iridium now)
-changed some recipes which reduces grinding
-updated nuclearcraft to 2.18z
-brought back vanilla armor recipes which were unintentionally removed by primal core config
-updated extra planets(harder mercury dungeon)
-added nuclearcraft ore gen for Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Titan. Also added gold and diamond generation to those celestial bodies
-given the shield controller as a reward instead of a retrieval task which makes it less boring finding the right dungeon on venus
-added quest for quartzglas(random things)
-changed quest "turret syndrom". Now you have to build two tier 2 turrets instead of 1 tier 5 turret which makes the quest easier
-updated abyssalcraft(more buildings and loot chests etc in Omothol dimension)
-added stereo track to the unreal splatter sound
-changed the anti rad quest. Now you only have to build the 4 machines, that are needed for producing anti rad. This reduces the
number of necesarry space flights
-improved Armstrong sound in new moon quest. It plays now when landing on moon instead when mining moon blocks.
-changed recipes for forge lexicon and the Ore dictionary converter to avoid cheating in extraplanet ingots too early
-moved ingame quest music into the custom sound folder to avoid low sound
-some new sound effects
-some new quests
-a lot of little changes in quests regarding more appropiate sound effects, rewards, quest logic etc.
Version 1.71
New mods: Better animations collection2, primal core, neat, weather2, traverse, animalium, Malisis Doors, Malisis Blocks, ranged pumps
-Changed background picture from questbook, changed end music and music when getting Notung, new sound effect, some new quests, little quest changes.
Version 1.70
-correction of cyclic ore generation
-reworked a lot of quests
-added original Neil Armstrong voice to moon quest
-angel ring now available after reaching the asteroids. This makes the grappling hook less useless
-added quests for jetpack space suit and grappling hook
-updated nuclearcraft
Version 1.69
1.68(only uploaded on Twitch)
-no aquamarine generation any longer in the end
-no cabald ore generatio in nether
-changes of kill quest in the betweenlands
-little improvements of rewards in some quests
-reworked questline "Radiation"
-ignore nbt for the first space suit
-new quest for flux capacitor in questline "little rocket man"
-better explanations in some quests for example how to find titanium or about the decontamination chamber
-better rewards for finishing sactoth quest
-rewards in more quests
-new opera song when you get "Notung"
-little changes in sound effects
-moved platinum bow quest to "end game stuff" questline
Version 1.67
-updated forge to 2854
-updated all mods(except better questing) to their latest stable versions
-changed default language from german to english
-removed xcpatch(no longer needed for the new extra cells 2 version and would cause the game to crash)
Version 1.66
fixed quests, which couldnt be completed. Little quest changes. Sound muffler from extra utilities deactivated in the config, because this crashed the game even if the sound muffler was not used. Updated nuclearcraft and mekanism mod.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.651
Set Tosersound as default resourcepack, which is linked up with the quests
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.65
Updated mekanism, better questing, standard expansion, nuclearcraft. Changed recipe for mekanisms robit, new custom sounds. Complete overhaul of all custom sounds, many of them needed to be amplified. Updated /dank/null, this solved a problem that you couldnt changed the extraction mode, Complete overhaul of the questbook. All quests should work now as expected.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.64
Added Questbook with more than 300 quests, added custom sound effects. Many recipe changes for balancing.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.63
deleted most common loot tables, because of too much endgame stuff in it.
fixed recipe conflict for rustic rope. Changed recipes for cyclics speed and fire charm. Minor changes in different configs. The ender from Ender IO now later craftable(after reaching Jupiter), No mekanism weapon and armor drops from mobfarms(prevents the drop of the endgame sword too early), new recipe for summoning pendulum, deleted overpowered items from random things: magic bean, spectre coils and spectre chargers. Finally i managed to generate gold, diamonds, uranium and thorium on mercury, venus, jupiter and saturn. New ores will be generated now in the nether:thorium, uranium,osmium,silver,certusquarz, thanks to cyclic config. Infinity drill now craftable. Mekanisms atomic disassembler makes now 8 dmg instead of 20.
Thanks alot to the mekanism developer team ;), now its easier to get the disassembler.Changed armor values for the obsidian armor from mekanism. Deleted the mods akashic tome and morph-o-tool, which we dont really need in a modpack of this size.
Version 1.61
Changed recipes for GC compressor, Ender IO´s "The Ender MK2".
The pulverizer produces now betweenlands sulfur from sulfur ore(betweenlands) instead of TE´s sulfur.
Abyssalcrafts biomes generate now in a lesser frequency(2, default was 5). Deleted optifine because of their permissions. Please download optifine directly from their site.
Version 1.60
added mods:
-The betweenlands
Many changes in recipes for balancing, especially the bows from Thermal Expansion.
Version 1.56
Updated to forge Updated all mods to their latest stable versions. Nuclearcraft config: Energy for the fusion electro magnets are now transfered to their neighbours. radiation_enabled=true. Ore triplication with mekanism for galacticrafts aluminium and 5 of the nuclearcraft ores. Gravel and clay balls now valid ammunition in openmodularturrets. Corals, flowers and gras from Biomes o plenty can now be processed to pulped biomass. Ash slivers from extraplanets can now be processed with the pulverizer from TE. Neptune zinc ore no longer mineable with the lens of the miner. Removed the planet Kepler22b. This planet is like cheating. Minor config changes. Put in zen coders port of treecapitator again. Added optifine for possibly use of shaders
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.55
Changes in galacticraft.conf: More different ores are now generated on GC Planets, but not on Extra Planets planets(no config for that, sorry).
meteor block damage=false
-GC silicium generating on. Added blocks, which are now solid for the oxygen sealer(ineffable glass,quartzglas, etc)
-Solar dust craftable(and the new solar arrays from GC !
-Updated GC to 210, Updated mekanism to 376
-added new recipe for liquid methane from Titan. You can now produce hydrogen and coal from it in a TE fractionatng still
Version 1.53
Extraplanets Rezepte geändert: advanced fuel loader,Nickel battery, huge battery, updated mekanism to 373,galacticraft configs: rocket fuel factor from 1 to 3, quick game mode=true, harder difficulty=true. restricted mekanism recipes for basic induction cell and basic induction provider to use only mekanism lithium and no nuclearcraft lithium,added modtweaker to remove a redstone furnace recipe and one mekanism chemical oxidizer recipe
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.52
Fixed uncraftable recipes. This problem came from unidict and galacticraft/extraplanets together. Both mods, galacticraft and extraplanets use their own versions of uranium and lead, but unidict converts these ores to thermalfoundation lead and nuclearcraft uranium, which is not usable by default in galacticraft/extraplanets recipes. I changed those recipes to use the ore dictionary names for lead and uranium. Following recipes fixed:
-extraplanets tier 1 and tier 2 battery(used for the tier 10 rocket)
-galacticraft atomic battery
-galacticrafts geothermal generator
-extraplanets nuclear bmb and fire bomb
-extraplanets basic chemical injector
Version 1.51
deleted bonsai trees and integrationforegoing. New mods: chicken chunks, /dank/null,nuclearcraft,akashic tome,morph-o-tool,foamfix,spice of life,tough as nails, totemic, compact drawers, replaced treecapitator, now i use the port from zen coder, actually additions, Pams Harvestcraft, cooking for blockheads. Many changes in recipes for balancing. Note that the start of a new game is now harder because of tough as nails and spice of life, read the online wiki.
Discuss this update (0)Version 1.2
Updated Extra utilities, deleted special angel rings, deleted air charm from cyclic, changed recipe for glowing chorus fruit. Again, deleted laser drills from industrial foregoing.
Version 1.1
added mouse tweaks, better fps, integration foregoing. Updated many mods
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