Install Test Pack Please Ignore

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Test Pack Please Ignore) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Test Pack Please Ignore from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Test Pack Please Ignore Version 1.1.3a

created by sct on Minecraft 1.6.4 using Technic Solder
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um so is it a rpg kind of mod
BBBkid100 9 years ago
Have I to ignore it? or is that only the name?
Chrisgamma 9 years ago
It's just the name :P Play it!
Posted by MCEvan99 9 years ago
Have I to ignore it? or is that only the name?
Chrisgamma 9 years ago
Guys it says 'Test Pack Please Ignore'
TheHussyNinja 9 years ago
You don't ignore it, it's an official, being updated pack!
Posted by MCEvan99 9 years ago
My sister is trying to play this pack on here and well every time she gets and tries to open a crafting table her game crashes. I looked at the crash report and it says it was a rendering screen error any ideas how to fix this?
BritishSteve5512 9 years ago
Everyone who has the load problem with it only saying mojang just let it sit there and eventually it will load or just go to the tekkit screen if you cant load it... i have a bad computer and it takes a long time to
Wolf13HQ 9 years ago
When it gets to the Mojang screen it crashes, as in the game closes itself, it doesn't just take a long time to load.
Posted by unit_9k 9 years ago
Add Galacticraft mars and normal Galacticraft
Ian Pluska 9 years ago
Yes! this would make this pack awesome
Posted by scarycreepa 9 years ago
Please do the Tropicraft Mod and the mo creatures mod even with purely sorry for my English
seuchenLP 9 years ago
i cant get in the game it stays on mojang screen and will not load
RabbitOnDrugs 9 years ago
Posted by jackfreeo 9 years ago
Same, I've seen people saying to remove mods to make it less resource intensive, it doesn't work for me but maybe it will for you? Or it may just take a long time.
Posted by unit_9k 9 years ago
whats ironic is that the name is "Test Pack Please Ignore." I guess it wasn't ignored.
monster8456 9 years ago
It's not supposed to be ignored.
Posted by MCEvan99 9 years ago
It used to be meant to be ignored, now it says "The official TPPI modpack".
Posted by unit_9k 9 years ago
my game will just stay at the mojang screen and not even load up
Mikadees143 9 years ago
me to the sae thing is happening to me
jake75155 9 years ago
yeah my tppi loads to the mojang page for probably 5-10 minutes and then it crashes and brings me to the technic mod loader. any ideas??
im not a robot! 9 years ago
It could be the amount of ram you are allocating to the game. Check it under the launcher settings... (More is better).
Posted by Atlantis2000 9 years ago
whats the server ip because i can't figure out how to put the server file into mine craft
Saticron 9 years ago
i dont know how to get the server into the game whats the ip?
Saticron 9 years ago
Sorry It Does'nt Let Me Download The Latest Solder
Auntysquid1290 9 years ago
Stop saying the same thing twice?!?
Posted by unit_9k 9 years ago
Sorry It Does'nt Let Me Download The Latest Solder
Auntysquid1290 9 years ago
Maybe Update solder!?
Auntysquid1290 9 years ago
Help, my Tppi stopped working, it loads to the mojang page loads for a min and it puts me back in the mod loader, I've fixed it before by resetting the whole mod pack, please help D:
Fridaybear 9 years ago
Same happened to me
Posted by unit_9k 9 years ago
Does anyone know for sure if this is the same version as the one in the ftb launcher?
Firelozer 9 years ago

Latest Update

Lumy Skin Patch has been updated to 1.0.13 so skins should be working again. Existing modpack builds were updated to the fixed version.