Welcome To Trippycraft
Trippycraft is the first modpack created specifically for the trippyservers minecraft network. The pack is custom made and features all the best mods along with some unfamiliar additions to keep the experience fresh...
We're Rocking ATG!... With BOP! Our terrain is unlike any other you have seen before... Using TTFTCUTS amazing Alternate Terrain Generation mod alongside GlitchFiends famous Biomes O' Plenty mod, we've devised a unique but tailored environment for our server to evolve. It's a truly new experience.
We have handpicked these mods to provide you, the player, the freedom to do whatever you want. However, this is not just another kitchen sink modpack, we've put our hearts and souls into producing something that is not only fun, but is also replayable. This is not a kitchen sink modpack...
It's a bathtub...
Oh and did I mention the overwhelming amount of drugs? Yeh... That too...
- bspkrsCorebspkrsCore
- Baubles
- CodeChickenLib
- ForgeMultipart
- Starting Inventory
- StatusEffectHUD
- AE2Stuff
- Agricraft
- AppliedEnergisstics2
- Aroma1997Core
- Aroma1997Core'sDimensional World
- Automagy
- Backpack
- BackTools
- Baublelicious
- Bdlib
- BetterAchievements
- BetterFPS
- Bibilocraft
- BigReactors
- BigTrees
- BiomesOPlenty
- BloodMagic
- BluePower
- Botania
- BrandonsCore
- BuffedTools
- Buildcraft
- BuildcraftCompat
- Carpenter'sBlocks
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel
- ChiselFacades
- ChiselTones
- CodeChickenCore
- CofhCore
- CofhLib
- ComputerCraft
- CompactStorage
- ComputerCraft
- ConvenientRecipes
- CraftableGlowStone
- CreeperCollateral
- CustomMainMenu
- CustomThings
- D3Core
- DeadlyWorld
- Decocraft2
- DenseOres
- DraconicEvolution
- DummyCore
- EnchantingPlus
- EnderCompass
- EnderIO
- EnderStorage
- EnderZoo
- EtFuturum
- ExtraCells2
- ExtraPlanets
- ExtraFixes
- ExtraUtilities
- ExtraTIC
- Farseek
- Fastcraft
- FastFlyBlockBreaking
- FastLeafDecay
- FloodLights
- FogNerf
- GalactiCraftCore
- GalactiCraftPlanets
- GalaxySpace
- GekosLasers
- GreenThumb
- HelpFixer
- hgp
- HQMTheJourney
- IC2Classic
- IchunUtil
- IguanaTinkersTweaks
- ImmersiveEngineering
- ImmersiveIntegration
- InfernalMobs
- InifiniBows
- INPureCore
- InventoryTweaks
- IronChest
- IronTank
- IvToolKit
- Jabba
- JourneyMap
- KoreSample
- LoginShield
- LogisticsPipes
- LunatriusCore
- MalisisCore
- MalisisDoors
- Mantle
- MatterOverdrive
- Mcjtylib
- Mekanism
- MekanismGenerators
- MekanismTools
- MicdoodleCore
- MineFactoryReloaded
- MmmMmmMmmMmm
- Morpheus
- MouseTweaks
- NEIAddons
- NEIIntegration
- NetherPortalFix
- NoMobSpawningOnTrees
- NoMoreRecipeConflict
- NotEnoughItems
- NotEnoughKeys
- NotEnoughResources
- OpenBlocks
- OpenModsLib
- OpenModularTurrets
- OreDictionaryConverter
- Pam'sHarvestCraft
- Practicalities
- PsychedeliCraft
- QmunityLib
- QuantumFlux
- Railcraft
- ReAuth
- RecurrentComplex
- RedstoneArmory
- RedstoneArsenal
- Reliquary
- RFDrills
- RFTools
- RogueLike
- RottenFleshToLeather
- Scotts'sTweaks
- SecretRooms
- SimplyJetpacks
- Sleep
- SolarExpansionBasic
- SoundFilters
- Squidless
- Stackie
- Steve'sCarts2
- Steve'sCore
- StorageDrawers
- Streams
- Sync
- TConstruct
- Thaumcraft
- ThaumcraftNEIPlugin
- ThaumicEnergistics
- ThaumicTinkerer
- ThermalDynamics
- ThermalExpansion
- ThermalFoundation
- TICToolTips
- TMechworks
- TooManyDanyOres
- Translocator
- TrashSlot
- TwilightForest
- VeinMiner
- Vending
- WAILAHarvestability
- WAILAPlugins
- Ztones
Every world is unique, every experience is fresh, every battle is fierce and every opportunity is yours to fulfill...