Install VoidPack 2 Skyblock

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (VoidPack 2 Skyblock) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select VoidPack 2 Skyblock from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

VoidPack 2 Skyblock Version 6.4.0

created by FrankCG on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

VoidPack 2 Skyblock updated to version 6.0.0

Update 6.0.0: The Facelift

* Completely re-designed the main menu from scratch, pictured below.
* Replaced the silly random block texture background with a flat colour dark mode.
* Cleaned out legacy configs.
* Increased max big reactor size to 16x16.
* Disabled COFH's op warning on login.
* Disabled death messages for named entities.
* Disabled COFH update warnings.
* Disabled COFH shader effects to improve performance on low end machines.
* Reduced the amount of information IguanaTinkerTweaks prints to the log.
* Disabled magical crops particle effects to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled NEI update checking.
* NEI no longer defaults to cheat mode.
* Disabled unnecessary Avaritia compatibility options.
* Disabled the world breaker's ability to break unbreakable blocks.
* Disabled Botania's block breaking particle effects to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled the Mana Shatterer's block breaking particle effects to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled the Elven Portal's particle effects to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled the Hand of Ender's ability to pickpocket other players' ender chests.
* Disabled rotating items rendering in the Lexica Botania to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled the animated 3D rendering for the Lexica Botania to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled Botania's use of shader rendering to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled Botania's Thaumcraft infusion stabilising functions as its dependency is not present.
* Disabled Botania's update checking.
* Disabled bspkrsCore update checking.
* Disabled bspkrsCore's ability to render mobs in the main menu due to CMM presence.
* Reduced Chisel's particles to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled CodeChickenCore's update checker.
* Disabled Damage Indicator's update checker.
* Disabled drop shadows on Damage Indicator popoffs to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled AppleMilkTea steam rendering to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled AppleMilkTea's ability to damage other players.
* Disabled Ender Storage's update checker.
* Disabled redundant compatibility checks in ExtraTiC.
* Disabled IGWMod's missing notifications.
* Disabled Immersive Engineering's increased render boxes to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled Immersige Engineering's update news.
* Removed immibis' tps command.
* Disabled Minechem's molecule effects to improve performance on low end machines.
* Disabled MorePlayerModels' update checker.
* Disabled MrTJPCore's update checker.
* Enabled safe mode for OpenBlocks flimflams.
* Disabled OreExcavation's update checker.
* Quartered the number of excavatable blocks per tick to 16.
* Disabled PTRModelLib's display outline to improve performance on low end machines.

* autopackager-1.5.3 > autopackager-1.5.9a.
- Added unpackaging mode (i.e. single item crafting such as log -> planks or ingot -> nuggets).
- Now caches found recipes per type instead of scanning the full recipe list every time.
- Added WAILA support.
* Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.8.1 - MC 1.7.10 > Carpenter's+Blocks+v3.3.8.2+-+MC+1.7.10.
- Fixed server crash when safe is broken by another player during usage.
* EnderIO-1.7.10- > EnderIO-1.7.10-
- Fluid conduits will light up with luminescent fluids inside them.
- Farming station will now support WATER type crops.
- Yeta Wrench and Conduit Probe overlays will now be in the bottom right corner, to avoid obscuring chat.
- Ingot blocks are now blacklisted from Grinding Ball bonuses.
- Yeta wrench will once again work with IDismantleable blocks (TE, AE2, MFR, etc).
- Fixed issues with disabled gas conduits.
- Fixed crashes when opening certain GUIs.
- Fixed vacuum chest player inventory offset.
- Fixed crash in conduit pick block.
- Fixed SAG mill producing sand with invalid metadata.
- Fixed redstone conduits not causing block updates.
- Fixed sneak not preventing conduit upgrade.
- Added the ability to replace facades.
- Fixed travel anchor label in fast graphics setting.
- Fixed facades playing wrong sound on place.
- Fixed WAILA not working on conduits.
- Allowed placing facades on conduits using adjacent block faces.
- Fixed WAILA crash with telepads/travel anchors.
- Fixed lights not switching on when activated by wireless power.
- Made all machine sounds mono, this fixes them not being directional.
- Fix for inventory panel creating 'phantom items'.
* EnderStorage-1.7.10- > EnderStorage-1.7.10-
* CustomMainMenu-MC1.7.10-1.8 > CustomMainMenu-MC1.7.10-1.9.2.
* CoFHLib-[1.7.10]1.1.2-182 > CoFHLib-[1.7.10]1.2.1-185.
* Removed ttcore (redundant).
FrankCG posted a changelog update for VoidPack 2 Skyblock 4 years ago


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Latest Update

VoidPack 2 Skyblock was updated to version 6.2.0