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Who can help me I can not download the modpack whenever I want to download it then this is download line but it does not load down
Everytime I start the Modpack, minecraft just loads and as soon as it is done it crashes and sends me back to the technic launcher, does anyone know how to fix that?
The modpack won't let me install it. It goes all the way up to 37% and resets and goes back to 3&% around 3 more times and then it just fails to install. Any idea why?
probably need more vram dedicated to technic you can change it out in the launcher settings
Why cant I join the server ? Because I just cant join the new lobby
ok so how does one get more dirt I hit it but it just wont duplicate
Just watch ex nihilo tutorials
Because of your update it cannot start
PLS Get back version 3.0.0
PLS Get back version 3.0.0
are there any achievements? maybe something to work towards
wuts the server ip
I Want to try out Skyblock Hqm theme Modpack and this is the best pack i have found out for my broken computer
When I enter on a server, or I enter on my world, it's saying Shutting dows internal server, then it CRASH! Please help me ... :(
Does this server still have a server up and running ? I want to play...
I have a server anyone want to play multiplayer #LookingForAFriend
Me and my friend wanna play
**DO NOT** place a sacred rubber sapling!
hey can you add deco craft for us builders lmao
so why is the server whitelisted?
can you add draconic evolution to the pack please?
good idea
For some reason my technic launcher wont lunch void pack