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will u be adding botania or better builders wands
I have been playing solo, and my original game was glitching really bad, so I started a new world. This world only allows me to log on for 5-10 minutes before the whole thing freezes and it shuts down. I am really discouraged :(
Can you get me your computer specs?
try and not have more than one window open at a time and try and stay out of full screen
Mandalore everytime i try to join your server my minecraft crashes but when i join different servers my minecraft is fine
It says my minecraft is out of memory when i try to join your server
i tried doing other things i restarted my pc and it fixed it for atleast 10 minutes and i don';t want to have to restart my pc every 10 minutes
can you give me your computer specs?
Hey Mandalore Have you ever thought about adding Draconic Evolution to this modpack?
also i've got to say that i love the modpack
I have thought about that but it makes it crash for some people
i Suggest to adding this mod [AE 2 Addon]
Whyy is it down?? Put it back up!!!
for some reason this modpack crashes whenever Im recording funnily enough it doesnt seem to as much when Im just messing around on it
Mandalore24! i suggest to add me wireless crafting terminal!
how do i start the server?? i am so confused..
yeah can't get any heavy sieves
i am wondering why i cannot craft the heavy oak sieve i have tryed every recipe for it like 2 sticks 4 oak wood 2 heavy mesh
is the server clearing lag or something cause nobody is whitelisted
can you add the hatchery mod
Why the hell I cant start any world . After a click on it game crashes and says "shutting down interna server" . Help ! Have somebody answer to question how to fix this ?
could you add mekanism?
The server should be back up tonight or tomorrow.
the server is still down for me D:
for real tho the heavy sieve and other items shouldn't be uncraftable in single player
Is the server suppose to be down
wth happened one minute I'm decomposing items the next I get sent to title and now I'm not white listed like wtf
hay so i have been playing single player for a bit now ans the only true problem i'm encountering is that most of the stuff in Ex Compressum is recipe banned/glitched and you cant craft anything dealing with the heavy sieve