Install Wargames Release

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Wargames Release) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Wargames Release from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Wargames Release Version 1.2.2

created by Glac on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Wargames Release updated to version 1.2

Changelog 1.2:
End Dimention - The End dimention has been decided that we will wipe it Monthly to ensure there is an abundance of limited items. We will evaluate the time between wipes if required.

Removed AE2Stuff - Removed due to the majority of its items either being banned or causing issues with crashes. Seemed unnecessary to keep it in the modpack.

Updated NTM to latest version. - Updated HBM's NTM to version: 5061. Yet to check for updates to the recipes. Will update them later in the week if required in a mid week or end of week patch.

Added Project Red (majority) - Added Project red with all but the expansion and world which was a mod we previously intended. This will help for any sort of redstone projects you plan on undertaking while ensuring crazy lag isnt caused. (ForgeMultipart is a dependency for Project Red hence its addition).

Added EnderStorage - Better transportation across large areas for items and liquids without long item transport lines.

Added ExtraUtilities - Added because of mass request for it and the QOL Improvements.

Added OpenBlocks - Yet again QOL Improvements and to make larger base builds simpler. Its Dependency (library) OpenModsLib was added because of this!

Added SecretRoomMod - To allow you to make the super sneaky builds. However please do try ensure you dont just build it entirely out of this...

Updated the Discord Bot status - Updated to display the playercount on the Main server. (This may have a 1-2 minute delay between updates due to discords limits).

Banned a few items that were overpowered from these mods.

Decided to ban the use of Leggings in addition to the other 3 pieces of Spetz Armor. - This is because its ability to make you invunerable, It will start off with a 24hr Ban if caught in combat. Please make sure you provide clips for the banning process.

Investigating Enchanted Spetz - We are investigating the use of enchanted Spetz Armor and will be removing its ability to get enchantments on it at some point soon.

25/08/2024 00:41
Glac posted a changelog update for Wargames Release 5 months ago


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Released Wargames War World. This is another world where we allow transfers on and off during the weekdays to prepare for when they lock over the weekend for allout war and distruction! Join now to experience Wargames like never before!