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Zit I Changed My Mc Name To AlyssaSkouYT
Zit You on?
Anyone on guys?
I love Rpg's overall I I ike to join the server
Sure Zit
i love rpg can i join the server?
Can you record a video for Battle Of the Wars
no not now
is the server up/ going to be up?
yeah, is there an application process to join, or do we just ask nicely?
Hello_Missan You Just Nicely And Wait for A Respond
i would like to join the roleplay
sorry guys for not being on i live in Denmark tho...
Jerry and me are working on our new modpack he has his first modpack and i have my third Modpack Battle of the Wars
yo is the server gonna be on at all today?
Sorry guys, can't get on tonight, ill be on prob this weekend, really busy week
Why is the server still not up?
Oka Ruto