Install Yogbox 2.0

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Yogbox 2.0) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Yogbox 2.0 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Yogbox 2.0 Version 7.4.3

created by FireController1847 on Minecraft 1.12.2


Version 7.4.3


* Added Recipes For All (1.0.0)

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Version 7.4.2


* Added CraftTweaker2 (
* Fixed a recipe conflict between MineColonies & Reforged

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Version 7.4.1


* Added TreeCapitator (Updated) (1.43.0)
* Added Global GameRules (2.2.7)
* Added Thaumcraft (6.1.BETA26)
* Added LevelHearts (2.2.0)
* Removed Dynamic Surroundings (
* Removed TreeChopper (1.2.4)

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Version 7.4.0


* Updated Astral Sorcery (1.8.5 -> 1.10.23)
* Updated Backpacks! (3.4.4 -> 3.5.8)
* Updated BiblioCraft (2.4.3 -> 2.4.5)
* Updated Biomes O' Plenty ( ->
* Updated Botania (r1.10-353 -> r1.10-363)
* Updated Chisel ( ->
* Updated CodeChickenLib ( ->
* Updated ConnectedTexturesMod ( ->
* Updated Dynamic Surroundings ( ->
* Updated GrappleMod (10 -> 11.1)
* Updated Inventory Tweaks (1.64-dev.110 -> 1.64-dev.151)
* Updated It's the little things (1.0.0 -> 1.0.2)
* Updated Just Enough items ( ->
* Updated Mantle ( ->
* Updated Millénaire (6.2.10 -> 8.1.0)
* Updated MineColonies (0.10.27 -> 0.11.841)
* Updated NotEnoughItems ( ->
* Updated OptiFine (HD-U-D1 -> HD-U-F5)
* Updated Ruins (17 -> 17.3)
* Updated Stellar API ( ->
* Updated Stellar Sky ( ->
* Updated Tinker's Construct ( ->
* Updated Totemic (0.10.3 -> 0.11.6)
* Updated Twilight Forest (3.6.345 -> 3.10.1013)
* Updated ViesCraft (5.6.1 -> 5.9.16)
* Updated VoxelMap (1.7.0 -> 1.7.1)
* Updated Minecraft Forge ( ->
* Fixed texturing issues with JEI
* Changed the NEI configuration to be disabled by default
+ Added OreLib
~ This version WILL break your saves. Please backup your save files before entering them.
~ The server download has been updated and contains modern instructions.
~ In a later update, I will be adding my mod "LevelHearts" to re-add the health component. I developed this mod specifically for this modpack to re-create the old mod that was in the original Yogbox! :)

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Version 7.3.2


* Updated Millénaire (1.12.2-6.2.0-beta.23 -> 1.12.2-6.2.10) (Beta -> Release)
* Updated MineColonies (1.12.2-0.8.8026 -> 1.12.2-0.10.27) (Alpha -> Release)

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Version 7.3.1


~ Fixed Minecraft Forge not being included in the modpack.

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Version 7.3.0


* Updated Battle Towers (??? -> 1.12.2-1.6.2)
* Updated Biome's O' Plenty (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2-
* Updated CodeChickenLib (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2-
* Updated DynamicSurroundings (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2-
* Updated Millénaire (1.12.2-6.2.0-beta.18 -> 1.12.2-6.2.0-beta.23)
* Updated Minecolonies (1.12.2-0.8.7712 -> 1.12.2-0.8.8026)
* Updated OptiFine (1.12.2_HD_U_C9 -> 1.12.2_HD_U_D1)
* Updated Totemic (1.12.2-0.10.2 -> 1.12.2-0.10.3)
+ Added Custom Starter Gear
+ Added Ruins
- Removed InitialInventory
- Removed Minecraft Comes Alive
- Removed Roguelike Dungeons
~ This version may break your saves. Please backup your save files before entering them.
~ If you want to use SpongeForge, as of this changelog you will need Forge 2611 maximum for your servers. Newer versions are currently incompatible.

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Version 7.2.1


* Updated Millénaire (1.12.2-6.2.0-10 -> 1.12.2-6.2.0-18)

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Version 7.2.0


* Updated Astral Sorcery (1.12.2-1.8.4 -> 1.12.2-1.8.5)
* Updated Bloodmoon (1.12.2-1.5.2 -> 1.12.2-1.5.3)
* Updated Botania (1.12.2-1.10-350 -> 1.12.2-1.10-353)
* Updated Chisel (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2-
* Updated Dynamic Surroundings (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2- (Release -> Beta)
* Updated Just Enough Items (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2- (Release -> Beta)
* Updated Stellar Sky (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2-
* Updated Tinker's Construct (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2-
* Updated Totemic (1.12.2-0.9.1 -> 1.12.2-0.10.2)
* Updated OptiFine (1.12.2_HD_U_C8_pre -> 1.12.2_HD_U_C9) (Beta -> Release)
* Updated Backpacks! (1.12.2-3.4.2 -> 1.12.2-3.4.3)
* Updated Biomes O' Plenty (1.12.2- -> 1.12.2-
* Updated Davincis Vessels (1.12.2-6.337 -> 1.12.2-6.340)
* Updated Inventory Tweaks (1.12.2-1.63 -> 1.12.2-1.64)
* Updated Minecolonies (1.12.2-0.8.6954 -> 1.12.2-0.8.7712)
* Updated MoCreatures (1.12.2-12.0.3 -> 1.12.2-12.0.4)
* Updated Stacksize (1.12-1.1 -> 1.12.2-1.0)
* Updated Twilight Forest (1.12.2-3.3.202 -> 1.12.2-3.6.345)
* Updated ViesCraft - Airships! (1.12.2-5.0.10 -> 1.12.2-5.6.1)
* Updated Baubles (1.5.1 -> 1.5.2)
* Updated ConnectedTexturesMod ( ->
* Updated Stellar API ( ->
* Updated MTLib (3.0.1 -> 3.0.3)
* Updated CraftTweaker (4.0.9 -> 4.1.5)
* Updated CustomMobSpawner (3.11.3 -> 3.11.4)
+ Added Millénaire (1.12.2-6.2.0-10) (Beta)
- Removed Embers (The Mod Has Been Discontinued)

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Version 7.1.0


* Updated MineColonies
- Bloodmoon / Incompatible with Astral Sorcery, causing only bugs

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Version 7.0.1


+ Updated OptiFine to be compatible with the used Forge version
+ Fixed a configuration bug where erroring entities would crash the game instead of be removed.

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Version 7.0.0


* Completely redid the modpack from the ground up.
* Retextured every mod to be customized to the Painterly Pack.
* Rebased the modpack off of the original yogbox and dug around configuration files to find the existence of even more mods from the original modpack.
+ Astral Sorcery
+ Backpacks! / Replaced Backpacks
+ Biomes O' Plenty
+ Bloodmoon
+ Botania
+ Chisel
+ Just Enough Items (No longer disabled by default.)
+ Davincis Vessels / Replaced Archimedes Ships
+ Dynamic Surroundings
+ Embers
+ Initial Inventory / Replaced Starting Inventory
+ LiteLoader
+ Minecolonies / Alpha, may get removed in the future.
+ Minecraft Comes Alive
+ MoCreatures / They make an exception for the original Yogbox, and due to lack of contact and no responses, I'm adding it until asked to remove it.
+ OptiFine / They recently removed their modpack policy from their website, so not sure what their stance is on this.
+ Painterly Pack / With all new textures! It took me over 24 hours to get everything matching

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Version 6.4.10


* Organized mods into a spreadsheet for easier identification for future versions
* Updated each mod's metadata
* Updated Bibliocraft
* Updated CraftGuide
* Fixed server download
+ Added Xaero's Minimap
- Removed JourneyMap

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Version 6.4.9


* Fixed baubles not downloading due to invalid Dropbox link. It now manually redistributes the mod.

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Version 6.4.8


- Somehow Journeymap is refusing to download, so I fixed it.
- Optifine was still available, which it shouldn't be now.

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Version 6.4.7


Went through every mod and read the licensing. Made all previous versions no longer available due to breaking of licensing for Optifine and various other mods.

- Removed Optifine
+ Updated JourneyMap to use the CurseForge link NOT my own hosted version.
+ Contacted the creator of ShipsMod and let them know I used their mod in this modpack.

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Version 6.4.6


Moved the modpack to Solder for the first time ever. #lit

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Version 6.4.5


+ Added Wailia Harvestability
+ Added Walwa
+ Added Archimedes Ships
+ Updates More Health Enchanted

I specifically redownloaded each mod to make sure each one was up to date AND I tested the modpack in this update. I won't abandon you guys again, I promise. The next update probably won't be until Millenaire updates to 1.8.9 unless there are some bugfixes I need to do.

More Health Enchanted is now stable for servers and is no longer buggy, it works great. You should no longer lose your hearts back to 3 when you die. Please enjoy this update because I put love and appreciation into it!

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Version 6.4.4


- Removed Thaumic Tinkerer (Meant to be removed last update)

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Version 6.4.3


+ Added NEI (By default is off. Press O in inventory to turn on)
+ Added WAILA (By default is off. Press NUMPAD1 to turn on)
+ Added Thaumic Explorer
+ Added Backpacks (Now stop complaining... please)
+ Added 10 new chocolatequest items

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Version 6.4.2


+ Added JourneyMap
+ Added Lycanites Mobs
+ Added EasyCrafting
+ Added ShipMod
- Removed MoCreatures
- Removed CraftingTable4
- Removed Rei's Minimap
- Removed Morph
- Removed Resource Loader (Not idea why it was even in there)
- Removed Archimedes Ships
- Removed FastCraft

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Version 6.4.1


Technic launcher won't update. Maybe it will this time.

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Version 6.4


+ Added Morph *Note Abilities Disabled
+ Added Extra Utilities
+ Fixed the resource pack
+ Pams Harvestcraft
+ Damage Indicators
+ Forbidden Knowledge
+ Keybinds Fixed
+ Server updated
+ Server stable
+ Readded Thaumic Tinkerer
+ Added FastCraft
- No longer start with resource pack enabled, must enable self

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Version 6.3.2


+ Bug Fixes
+ Updated the resource pack

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Version 6.31


I forgot to update the link! >.<

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Version 6.3


+ Fixed Keybinds
+ Added Resource Pack

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Version 6.2


- Removed NEI
- Removed CodeChickenCore
- Removed ChickenChunks
- Removed Botania
- Removed ExtraUtilities
- Removed Carpenter's Blocks
+ Fixed Rei's Minimap Config
*Note: Will be fixing all the controls in the modpack on version 6.4

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Version 6.1


Renamed Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod to CarpentersBlocks, causing me to be completely confused. Fixed.
The Official Server got reset on this update.

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Version 6.0


The mod update, kind of.
Fixed battle towers
Fixed Distance between battle towers
Fixed GUI menu
Added Carpenters Blocks

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Version 5.91


Messed up, CodeChickenCore is out of date. Fixed.

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Version 5.9


The mod update! Check Trello for the update log!

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Version 5.8


+Fixed SERIOUS Bugs
+You can now enter the end
-ChocolateQuest is now a stable version (1.1 down to 1.0)
+ChocolateQuest is now a stable version (no more crashes! :D)
-Removed CustomMainMenu
Fixed server package
Official Server is now corrupted.

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Version 5.7


Welcome to the MineColonies Mod Update!

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Version 5.65


-more health enhanced BETA
+more health enhanced NOT BETA

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Version 5.6


+updated forge
+updated better health enchanted
+rei's minimap
+Minions mod config
+file size changed to 69mb
-file size changed to 69mb
-removed liteloader
-removed matmos
-removed zan's minimap
-removed realistic rain
-removed matmos resource pack

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Version 5.5


Having troubles updating; fixed.

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Version 5.41


Fixed vital error on my part!

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Version 5.4


Updated most mods; removed unnecessary mods.

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Version 5.3


+Updated Chocolate Quest
-Chocolate Quest 1.1 is an BETA
+Added 2 new icons on title screen
+Added new splashes
+Added secret splash

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Version 5.2


Fixed Server

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Version 5.1


I added Matmos for 1.8, not 1.7.10, so it didn't work. Don't know if the Health thing worked, but it should. When you get to LVL 5 of XP, you should get 4 hearts instead of 3. If it doesn't, then please tell me.

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Version 5


Been working for some time to fix the Crafting Book, and I finally did it! I also added some really good resource packs if you would like to turn them on. Finally, I added MATMOS- It's also a resource pack. Have fun in Update 5!

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Version 4.1


Updated outdated mods. CraftGuide book still crashes the game, finally got a crash report. This version is stable. I will not be releasing any unstable releases.

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Version 4


Hosting site is now Shouldn't be any more download problems.

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Version 2.1


Fixed not being able to load because of two "Millenare" jar's found.

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Version 2.0


I know I skipped 1.0-2.0, but I have tested the modpack multiple times. The modpack is now updated to 1.7.10, and almost all the mods are now added. I added a resource pack, and changed the default one. Don't forget to report any bugs you see in the new update!

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Version 1.0


Attempts to add a Multiplayer server -- Failed

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Latest Update

Hello all. Just wanted to inform you that Yogbox 2.0 is now officially EOL. Downloads will still be provided for the foreseeable future. Thanks for the incredible adventure!