
Here [,SkclqrA,ZZGJVM4,6r6NJ6x,7hVYCRU,gKrU5I5#0 ] are a few screenshots. Won't hurt my feelings if none of them get used, but you are welcome to them. -- The hitchhiker's guide to alternate dimensions sounds like a good idea.
Posted by Aqualung on SunshineHunter's profile 9 years ago


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Thanks! Did you use Realistic World Generation btw? I can't find any meteorites from AE in my world, even with compass... but thanks for the screenshots
Posted by SunshineHunter 9 years ago
That set was from my old BOP world gen. This one [,eoQZmoS,SePY2uy,Jn06ZXA#0 ] uses a new RWG world and includes two shots of meteorites. Looking at my map, I think they are more common than usual, maybe I have your meteorites. What I am unable to find is the thaumcraft biomes. --in unrelated news, Atum adds a biome whose ID should be adjusted.
Posted by Aqualung 9 years ago
Thanks, will adjust the id of atum in next update. I found no meteorites because they were all in the ground :U I'll add some pics to the album soon
Posted by SunshineHunter 9 years ago