
After the most recent update in Rexxit, every time I try to find the recipe for something from the JurassiCraft mod in NEI nothing happens. All other mods work besides this one for the recipes. Also, I keep getting random crashes in the middle of playing.
Posted by offwing10 on AmazingSpaceCat's profile 9 years ago


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yea theres still some problems with getting all of these mods working together to create this modpack but were you crashing in singleplayer or in the Rexxit server ? if it was in single player there must be something wrong with your JAVA try to go to task manager and set the JAVA priorities to high so that your computer understands that when your using JAVA ( to play a game ) that it is very important to give it all the power that it needs , I hope this helped :D !
Posted by AmazingSpaceCat 9 years ago