Install Dragon Quest Crafters

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Dragon Quest Crafters) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Dragon Quest Crafters from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Dragon Quest Crafters Version 1.7

created by AxelVoss on Minecraft 1.7.10
In the midst of making a significant update to the language pack, as well as replacing an outdated and buggy version of Waystones, among other things.
AxelVoss posted a status update for Dragon Quest Crafters 3 years ago


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That's great! Cannot wait to see the update! I've been working here and there on the server that I've been running for the past month, there's some mods that I added so whoever joins will need to dowload those. Here's a quick peek at one of the first "Villages" I been working on: I'm not a crazy Minecraft builder but I do what I can xD As for WAILA and CraftGuide, I had to remove WAILA from my server due to the fact that it can see hidden entities like in this example: For the sake of some boss ideas that I have, it had to be done unfortunately but monster HP will still be viable with this mod right here: As for CraftGuide, I was having some small issues so I managed to add in NEI which kinda does about the same job. My story writing is very simple so nothing crazy but the idea is to add in quests and rewards to help out players along the way to get some levels/gears, add in "Shops" to buy weapons rather than craft them, since the recipes are somewhat complicated imo, the shops are traders in which players will still need to go out and do Minecraft things to gather materials and trade: This of course will be needing some tweaking/balancing because it's also a little too easy on the other hand, at some point when I feel like "Chapter 1" is done I'll be doing some closed beta test and hand out manual invitations for feedbacks, this will mostly be friends and references and of course, as you are the modpack creator you will be welcomed to try it out if you feel like it :)
Posted by ptknight13 3 years ago
Looks like it's coming along nicely! Love the village so far! A few things I noted: 1.) I've tried using Damage Indicators before, and I don't recommend it because it tends to display enemy HP and the damage you deal incorrectly. Crabids *definitely* have more than 5 HP. (Unless that's the result of some sort of levelling mod you're using?) 2.) I tried using NEI before, but whenever I tried to hit "U" to check what recipes DQR items were used in, the game would crash. Has that happened for you? 3. I'm not sure a Poison Needle should be on the same tier as any of those other weapons. It hits a little different, you feel me? Other than that, keep up the good work and can't wait to pop in someday!
Posted by AxelVoss 3 years ago
Oh yeah about that, 1) The thing with damage indicator is that I simply wanted a way to see mob's HP and as mentioned before, for the sake of some immersion for my "Main campaing" I need to have WAILA turned off, though I'm aware it tends to indicate damage properly. So here's the thing, I'm building the world and as a result I'm using CustomNPC, so the Crabids you see there are a result of that, they aren't the actual Crabids you see randomly spawn in the world, they're just CustomNPC with Crabid skin on and because my starting zone ended up being close to a seashore, I figured Crabids could fit the starting zone well. 2) Hmm that's weird, I never had any trouble with it, I'm able to open DQR recipes just fine with NEI, maybe it was bad luck? I have a friend who's currently messing around the server and he hasn't had any trouble either. 3) Definitely I agree! I just kinda threw a few things in there for testing purposes, so the poison needle is definitely not staying there, though I tested it and it doesn't work on CustomNPCs, so it was definitely programmed to work only on DQR mobs. Oh and I have one question for you, when some monsters attack you, the display damage doesn't seem to work, it shows as "msg.damage.playername" or something I think, is that something that you can fix? And absolutely! I'm trying my best to make an enjoyable world, it will take a while but if you're ever curious to see what it's like, I could let you visit sooner, feedback is always nice :) (There isn't much to do atm though)
Posted by ptknight13 3 years ago
Yeah, DQ weapon effects and skills don't work AT ALL on CNPCs. You can, I've found, cast spells on them, but you cannot make them resist spell damage, or effects, including Whack. If you kill an NPC, it'll also give you exp and gold based on their HP, so be aware of that. And trust me, if I knew how to make player damage display properly I would have done it AGES ago. It boggles me to no end. That's the price you pay with a poorly translated JP mod I suppose. At any rate, I'd love to come visit! I'm on the verge of opening a Discord server for this modpack, we could meet up there and discuss.
Posted by AxelVoss 3 years ago

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1000 runs! I never thought I'd see the day. Thank you so much for playing, and good luck on your future adventures!