Install HTTYD: DragonVerse

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (HTTYD: DragonVerse) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select HTTYD: DragonVerse from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

HTTYD: DragonVerse Version 7.0 (Final)

created by xXxBlowMeAwayxXx on Minecraft 1.12.2
We've just removed the Singleplayer option as a move to make our server more of a requirement. In return we are keeping up 100% with updates on the DragonFire mod. We will update every 2 months.
xXxBlowMeAwayxXx posted a status update for HTTYD: DragonVerse 4 years ago


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For real ?! i had a single player map with my brother i build fcking 6 days on this shit so he can play it it so useless please chage it back so i can play again
Posted by d3ineschuld 4 years ago
I would like to have singleplayer back
Posted by d3ineschuld 4 years ago
So y'all decided to destroy the hard work people put into their worlds just so they had to use your server?
Posted by Crystellya 4 years ago
I had a map I worked on for MONTHS!!!! Will I even have it back if you decide to undo this useless update?!! Some people, like me, HATE SERVERS!!! This was the only good modpack on Techniclauncher that is the DragonFire mod! If you won't undo this for your own selfish reasons than at least do it for the players who worked so hard on what they made.
Posted by VSuga 4 years ago
Posted by Hanime_Gaming 4 years ago
i feel you i put so mutch work in my world and they just remove the singleplayer but a tip fpr yall just copy the mods out of the pack and get a empty forge modpack and paste the mods in
Posted by d3ineschuld 3 years ago
hey can you please return singleplayer, this is an amazing modpack and i would love to play it but not all of us what to play on a server some of us have no strong internet connection and it would be a shame to let a good modpack go to waste like this, also a lot of us are not comfortable playing multiplayer or with other people and some of us would just like to play in creative mode so could you please please return the singelplayer mode
Posted by 0EchosGeck 3 years ago
please be considerate of other people's situations not all of us have fast internet or the mental energy to play with other people on a server
Posted by 0EchosGeck 3 years ago
I've decided I would bring back Singleplayer to the DragonVerse modpack. We're so far behind on updates for the DragonFire mod, it's only fair to bring it back around a year later. To those who still have sour feelings about it from the past, I am truly sorry about all of your lost worlds. It was never our intention to remove it just so our server could get more playtime than it deserves, that was not our aim. It was purely something we needed to do in order to not receive trouble with the DragonFire devs, and maybe, possibly even get us, or the mod itself shut down. At the time, it would have hurt both parties in a big way. So I'll end this with.. better late than never. I'm sorry everyone.
Posted by xXxBlowMeAwayxXx 2 years ago

Latest Update

HTTYD: DragonVerse was updated to version 7.0 (Final)