Install TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded Version 1.12.2-1.2.1

created by Verph_ on Minecraft 1.12.2
I had to update the modpack due to a big derp. Sorry about this!
Verph_ posted a status update for TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded 10 years ago


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Your modpack is awesome, keep it up. p.s. do you code some stuff in modpack yourself? inv. tweaks act funny cause of diffrent number of cells in crafting grid. would like some tech mods too. but I love your modpack anyway. :)
Posted by Smetanol 10 years ago
I don't code anything in the modpack myself, but I do make the Mine Tweaker configurations myself. Yes, Inventory Tweaks is acting strange, and unfortunately I don't know how to fix it yet. In my opinion, Technical mods wouldn't really fit TerraFirmaCraft, as I think TerraFirmaCraft is more the 'do-it-yourself' way, and is based in the old, old, old stone/iron age times. Also, mostly all Technical mods add something to the world generation themselves, (which would of course screw up your current worlds), and a ton of new items, which would need a new crafting recipe, and that would mean, I would have to do a lot of work. P.S. If any of you, that plays the game with Shaders, who can't stand the water 'glitch' (not really a glitch), then I got a fix for it. (You will need to have Notepad++) Also, thank you very much for liking my modpack!
Posted by Verph_ 10 years ago
I've just started playing and I noticed the rewards are a bit to OP ( like getting a full crafting grid on the first day ) but other than that great modpack!
Posted by Gabeofthrones 10 years ago
P.s maybe you could add some magic mods like Thaumcraft ;0
Posted by Gabeofthrones 10 years ago
I will try to add Thaumcraft compatability and maybe add it, but don't take my words for it, because it's not 100% guaranteed to work!
Posted by Verph_ 10 years ago

Latest Update

TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded was updated to version 1.12.2-1.2.1